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Patco Lch

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About Patco Lch

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    The Bible, Family, Aviation, History,

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    8 years ATC (Pre Reagan days) retired after 30 years route sales. Love my grands and simming in that order.

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  1. Should IMO be freeware. If you really want a 767 the best option might be to reinstall FSX and get the LVLD.
  2. It’s sad because there is so much potential in P3DV6 that will not be explored or realized. It is IMHO a beautiful platform. Diamond left in the rough.
  3. This thread has put something on my chest I would like to share if I may. Three very good books along these lines, very adventurous and some really cool bush flying, all true, are "Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot", "Beyond Gates of Splendor" and End of the Spear" which was written by Steve Saint. In 1956 five missionaries were speared to death inexplicitly by some Waodani tribesmen in the jungle of east Ecuador. These guys were so vicious the Ecuadorian government dare not go into their neck of the woods. This was after several days of contact by lowering gifts in a bucket from there circling four place Piper Cub. ( I didn't know there was one. Maybe it was a Taylorcraft). Then one day managed to land on a river sand bar and made contact even taking one up for a ride in what the tribesmen called the yellow bee. It was later revealed the old witch doc stirred them up and they murdered the five missionaries. Long story short the wives of these guys went with their children and lived with these tribes, converting many. The story spread around the world and many young folks decided to enter the mission field. Story of love and forgiveness to bring a tear to the stoniest heart. In the "End of the Spear", Miacayani, one of the Waodani who speared Nate Saint told of his life before contact with the missionaries. He tells of a life of hardship, fear and often feelings of lack of purpose. Constant hostility with neighbor villages and hatred from feuds none of them knowing the origin or reason for. Just killings and revenge killings. He told of his child that was pulled off a canoe and drown by an Anaconda before he could react. Hazards from jungle cats much stronger and faster than any man, and venomous snakes. Then there is the same old jealousies and mistrust among their own villagers over everything from wives to lodges even trophies. (you can imagine what these trophies were). The missionaries felt if they didn't reach these boys with their message of hope and a better way of living the Hurorani Auca would wipe themselves out, and in this the missionaries were highly successful, at the risk and loss of five of their own. Such an amazing story, I can't recommend it enough. No one choses where we are born or who our parents will be or into what environment. Wherever that is the human experience is filled with the same elements. Struggle to survive against the elements while taking subsistence from the environment. And the greatest threat of all, our own heart with the selfishness, mistrust pride and reasonless hatred. While we worry about being incinerated by an H-bomb launched from the other side of the world, they worry about being burned and killed by their neighbor on the other side of the river while they sleep. No, I don't envy anyone, I just feel blessed in the here and now. That's all anyone has. I highly recommend any one of the above books, but best be read in sequence. Could be life changing.
  4. I bet they're all reading AVSIM😂
  5. I don’t know, I kind of like my modern creature comforts. Don’t think I would want to trade places with them. You know, nature can be a pretty mean mother at times and at heart man is still man regardless of environment. Think about your neighbor wanting to have you over for dinner. Literally.
  6. Hence my thought that perhaps a so-called dead sim has certain advantages. How many times has PMDG and other developers had to do fixes after sim updates.
  7. One question. ORBX Global Base always takes an insertion at the top of the scenery library rather than below the prescribed insertion point. Is this one exception to the rule or should it be manually moved down below insertion point? (P3DV5.4)
  8. Why Latin is used in medicine, science and law.
  9. LOL, you sound like me. My parents are long gone but their financial austerity is in my DNA. Give every dollar a name.😂
  10. The graceful beauty of an aeronautical machine. The sounds of engines and even smell of exhaust fumes and even hydraulic fluid. The sense of purpose, precision and team work involved in aviation. The sense of adventure in every flight or just being around an airplane. Appreciation of engineering marvels. Words fail me when trying to describe this affection.
  11. Over the years I have had a lot of work done on my home from additions to flooring to countless repairs. I’ve noticed a marked difference between a lot of the domestic good ole boys outfits compared to some immigrants, legal or not I can’t say. Example: last October I needed my shingles replaced. My son in law is a building contractor sent one of his crews to do the job. Three men and two ladies who spoke little English. They were here at dawn and those fellas worked nonstop until lunch break then back to work until almost dark. By the next afternoon the job was finished and clean up was perfect, not a nail left on the ground. Compare that to experiences I’ve had over the years with some local home town contractors. Unusual for them to arrive before mid morning. First thing they want to tell you what they won’t do. During process of the job they find some reason to hit you up for more money. Two to three hour lunch breaks and often an excuse why they won’t be back that day. If it’s Friday lunch break will last until Monday or when ever they decide to get back to you. So glad when the jobs done so you won’t see anymore of them. Not so the Mexican crews. They’re fun to watch their industrious team work and I kind of missed them when they’re gone. Even the ladies pulled their weight hauling shingles. A couple of disclaimers, I’m a South Carolina guy. Im very much in favor of the rule of law and hate the open border policy of the present administration. Nevertheless this difference in work ethic is undeniable between the home boys and the new arrivals.
  12. I know it is bro, but I now have the IFly options, and in the last several months have been studying the Airbus by FS Labs. I think soon I’m going to be flying a MD11🙂 All in my favorite platform.
  13. I don't think anyone here is saying PMDG has a LEGAL obligation to sell their stuff to anyone, but as customers we do have a right to discuss our disappointment in their decisions. Good faith is not legally obligatory, but it is a good business practice, especially when you sell entertainment products that are optional wants and not needs. What more do you have other than the interest and following of your customers?
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