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Mike A

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Everything posted by Mike A

  1. I remember watching episodes of an introductory anthropology course (I can't remember the title) broadcast on the local cable channel of City College of San Francisco approximately 35 or so years ago. The episode that sticks out in my mind is the one where they talk about & show tribes on an island somewhere in the South Pacific that was occupied by U.S. forces during WWII and the effect that had on the tribes. One of the things that fascinated them about the Americans was that they played baseball. They caught on that it was essentially a ritualized conflict involving the two teams. After the war, the tribes would play their own version of baseball. They recognized that they could do that instead of going to war, being able to blow off steam and aggression instead of killing each other. And they would have a feast together afterwards. It was funny watching it, because they also had their version of "trash talking" as they played, bragging about their prowess in playing the game. One thing players would chant was when they caught a ball, they would yell in their language "Stick like P K, stick like P K!" PK was the brand of gum the Americans would chew and give to the natives. It was a Wrigley gum brand: They thought they had found a way to avoid war. Until the time one visiting tribe scored more runs than the "home team". Home team felt disrespected, one thing led to another, and they went back to killing each other. The elders of the tribes got together and agreed they had to halt the war and go back to baseball. They figured out it was not right for the home team to lose, as they also hosted the after game feast, so the new rule was home team ALWAYS wins. So they went back to the "ritualized warfare" of baseball. So it was an example of being introduced to something modern that was a benefit for them ⚾
  2. Breatharians, rejoice! You can now fry your air in style. Thank you, Emeril!
  3. Retribution for Hong Kong.
  4. I don’t envy Breatharians, that’s got to be one heck of a bland diet. If there was some way to make it more palatable 🤔 Wait a minute… 💡How about 👇
  5. 10:37: “Westerners are very educated, they must be eating it for some good reason”
  6. This is where Breatharians go when no one is watching:
  7. Some of the pictures are from aircraft buzzing them. How long until a WWII-Pacific-like cargo cult develops?
  8. Just one more cartoon from my childhood memory, since it’s off-topic but WWII like the one I posted above, and I was able to track it down. This one has Popeye in the U.S. Navy: “Blunder Below” (1942). In the early to mid 1960s they still showed some WWII era cartoons.
  9. I'll see your Gremlins: A Royal Air Force Story with a cartoon I saw when I was a kid 60 years ago called "Russian Rhapsody" (1944), also produced by Walt Disney and starring Gremlins. I was able to track it down at the Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/russian-rhapsody-1944-restored
  10. I had to look that up, thought it would be an anti-anxiety medication. Fluoxetine is an antidepressant. The game hasn’t even started and you’re preparing for a loss? C’mon, Martin, think positive. This is what I prescribe for you: Enjoy the game!
  11. Exactly the same experience we had with our house being painted. We had the exterior of our house painted with a contractor who had a Mexican crew. My wife is fluent in several languages including Spanish, so we got a clearer picture from them on how this contractor operated. Several months later this contractor was painting a house a few blocks away & one of the painters came by to say hi. I had just started to paint the interior of our house and he asked if I wanted some help with it. My wife & I agreed. So these guys came every day after completing their shift at the other house & worked 3-4 hours in the evening & then full days on the weekends. On the weekdays we let them park their car in our garage because they didn’t want their boss to see their car outside in case he drove by. It was a perfect arrangement, as I would do the prep work during the day (cleaning, patching walls, moving furniture etc) and they would paint. I paid them daily after they finished which they appreciated, as their boss was in arrears in paying them. They did perfect work, very clean & exactly how we wanted it. Years later when we needed to have the exterior painted again, my wife called the head painter & they did the job. They updated us on their former contractor. He fled to South Korea because of insurance fraud involving workers compensation.
  12. Joystick 😉
  13. My favorite song of his was Beautiful Teamsters 😋
  14. That's great! Sounds to me like you've reached the point that Allen Sherman did at Camp Granada:
  15. And Wiseman played only 3 college games when he entered the NBA draft, very raw & unseasoned. Compare him with Trayce Jackson-Davis, who was the Warriors’ 2nd draft pick in last year’s draft & played 4 years at Indiana. Very sound fundamentally and had a solid year w/the Warriors. He progressed more in one year than Wiseman did in all his time w/the Warriors. Of course, Wiseman had those injuries, so that played a part in his progression. Rioux looks awesome blocking those shots but they’re against “normal” sized teenagers. Time will tell in what he’ll become.
  16. Be careful what you wish for, Charlie. In the article he’s listed as the 56th rated high school center. With that height, there’s got to be some flaw(s) in his game. And remember how the James Wiseman pick ended up for the Warriors ☹️
  17. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_coffin
  18. Timothy Leary had something to say about turning it on or off that might be relevant... ... then again, maybe not 🤔
  19. Mike A

    Quantum INS

  20. Mike A

    Top Gun Cat

    Nice, but Owlkitty really should be in an F-14 😼
  21. Then again, I could always dream about winning the UN General Assembly lottery 🤔
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