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Everything posted by uwespeed

  1. So ... guys ... do you want more? YEEEESSS !!! 😀
  2. There are other (much better) places to discuss X-Plane ...And the reasons for not visiting avsim might 😉 be obvious.
  3. Some more pics ... (not more than 2, though). To be clear, not my pictures but as written further above, from the respective org-thread.
  4. A mod wrote recently here that IIRC more than 2 shots are in post, it will be moved to the "Screenshots and Videos". Thus, here are 2 more 😉. Flying the Beta Alia from LGMK to LGSR.
  5. There's a thread called "What Plane Did You Fly Today?" at the org. When I find nice pictures, I will post them here. Source: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/23517-what-plane-did-you-fly-today-maximum-2-shots-per-post-one-post-per-day-please/&do=findComment&comment=2722589
  6. Source: https://www.facebook.com/XPlaneOfficial/posts/pfbid02U6gYweCzGbuwuNd3zPCV7GfrVX4qxjCx9VY6Tu3mb64YmcrtiKbrT9fBzYYs5gJvl
  7. But please no static pebbles, shouldn't it be possible with the particle effects to have them rolling through the river?
  8. Originally I posted this in the X-Plane subforum for letting people know about the new airport. However (due to the included screenshots?) it was moved to the Screen Shots forum. Thus, I feel encouraged to post some more screenshots 😉. The cars have local colour (i.e. the registration numbers fit to the city of Brasov). pizzaHOT is really existing 🙂🍕 (pizzahot.ro) in Brasov. EDILROM (further above), too.
  9. As the name says 😉: you can download it here. Gimmick The amount of cars on the parking area is dependant on the hour of day
  10. https://www.facebook.com/XPlaneOfficial/posts/pfbid025UhRVSqG65zS1NuADRFRx7YBvTA8pakq232N11r8zshhrk4xNP24Zxp5skJyL5WEl
  11. Check it out: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/89497-decal-for-low-res-orthophoto/. Video:
  12. As I don't own the Steam version, unfortunately I don't have a direct answer (apart from that Steam may interfere with controllers in some way from what I know from other titles). But, if you want to use X-Plane regularly, I would recommend x-plane.org* as forum because there are (for obvious reasons 🙂) the most X-Plane users. * It is not affiliated with Laminar Research but "only" a dedicated forum for X-Plane. BTW, in my opinion it's always better to buy from the original vendor than from Steam - applies also for other titles.
  13. Aahhh ... the older than dirt argument "... but there's just a ton more people buying at McDonalds rather than at a gourmet restaurant". 😅
  14. I remember that in the 2010's and also earlier, when there were polls in the flight sim fora about the age of the simmers, the average age was around 50 years (or even older). When I see what we have nowadays (page 14 of the survey) ... If I read that correctly in the current survey, 5% are between 10 and 15 years old, 12% between 15 and 20, 9% between 20 and 25 - and so on. So, I would call that young crowd "gamers" which came to flight simming during the last years. And the question is, how serious they are taking that. I assume, not very much ...
  15. If only it were THAT simple ... Would be nice, of course, but ... The guy behind X-World knows what he does, i.e. it won't be possible to have X-Plane 1st party look like reality "only" with OSM. Example: which one looks nicer, which one is closer to reality? EDIT: The pictures above are from Prague. I started somewhere at Prague airport and simply searched for a good example to show what I wanted, namely that it isn't as easy as it seems with OSM. Funnily enough ... and after doublechecking with Google Maps: just 1 month ago I drove this (main) road during a business trip - I haven't searched for it by purpose, but coincidentally chose one of the (tens of?) thousands of roads of Prague for these screenshots.
  16. There is ONE car in the world (I don't know which it is currently, but that's not the point) which is the fastest series-car (in this case the base, i.e. the default simulator), but it is very usable overall. You don't necessarily need to purchase additional parts. And then there are tuning cars (in the flight sim context the addons). Many people don't even know, that they can buy stronger/bigger engines, spoilers, wheels ... for their car. Same for the flight sim. Many people use it without any addons, as they don't even know ... Still, the flight sim can be very enjoyable and close to reality.
  17. Good to know that people with a deep understanding of flight simulation are coming back to X-Plane 😉. I remember you from back in XP10-times, when the cloud shadows which we were used to in XP 8 and 9 (possibly even earlier), weren't visible any more or only very faint. I was myself searching for a way to bring them back and searched for a way, however in the datarefs, from which I knew they can change the behavior of the sim. But that was the wrong place to search ... you found it in the art controls. Based on that several lua-scripts came up to influence the darkness of the shadows. So, welcome back to X-Plane 😉👏.
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