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About 4df5

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    X plane 11 only

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    I would like an RV8 tricycle gear for under 10K. Thats the only way I am ever going to have my own real plane.

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    M1 Mac mini 16 gigs ram

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    I did 110 hours of training in 152/172 twenty years ago. Its probably way too expensive to consider real training now.
    And the cost of plane ownership is ridiculous. So a sim experience is it for me most likely.
    videos. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl8JTkJfYYn2upCBoMXgegg

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  1. lovely sentiments....as if Laminar isn't rich enough....give a discount 50% on xp11 people....thats the way to do it..
  2. I am planning on making the move to PC and MS 2024. bye X plane 11. Do you guys think X is going to be better in the future??? I am betting MS is better now and their pay ware planes are very adjustable...... thats important..
  3. I found that and it fixed it. btw you might know about something...there is a website called flyaway that offers some free planes that have been modified for XP 11..example Baron 58 stock modded. Some work and oddly some don't..must be a PC/Mac thing.( I look forward to going full PC in the future for MSFS 2024) ...anyway I tried a couple of the modded planes and not only was there appearance changed but the way the controls behaved seemed noticeably different. These modded planes were mostly people editing just some basic files.... 1- so you can have access to a planes coding and change it????I didn't know that..... 2-You can change the way the throttle behaves in a plane???? 3- Where do you get the files and do this?? 4-Are all the files editable? I would have thought they were proprietary.... 5-I would like to change the layout of the gauges in the stock analog Baron....is that possible? thanks
  4. I ended up deleting the whole Baron folder cause it seemed hopelessly corrupted. I looked on the Laminar site to re download the Baron for XP 11 but as usual they made it difficult for anything that wasn't XP 12. I tried a few I found for free and after several that didn't work I found the stock Baron for 11 with a G1000.https://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/files/24681/x-plane-11-baron-b58-with-g1000/ It seems to work so far but I prefer the analog....the G1000 Baron has a black background all around the G1000 and it doesn't look good because of that and the G1000 requires you to re assign many of your buttons........anyone know how to go into the files and change that background color to something else????if that is at all possible..
  5. I am a Mac user who looks forward to FS 2024 on a PC which I will build myself......my M1 Mac chip has the graphics onboard and it works but not great, even for 1080p. Are any of the newer AMD chips with onboard graphics delivering graphics card performance in the MSFS product?..looking forward to 2024 sim....
  6. btw. the autopilot screen on the Baron now is showing GA in the lower right corner. It was never there before...what is that and what control is it? I don't want it on.. and now my fuel shows zero....this is all since loading REP ..I deleted all the REP files I could find.... typical word not allowed....add ons destroying the installation..
  7. I tried the XP reality and it didn't work or load on my M1 Mac. This has happened before and X org doesn't give a word not allowed. Luckily PayPal does and they gave me a refund on it.
  8. I have had enough trying bad products from X Plane.org. None of them have worked correctly. Has anyone tried the Baron 58 in X plane 11 on an M1 Mac and bought it directly from Carenado? Was it worth it? What makes it better than the freeware stock Baron ..???
  9. Anyone have experience with x 11 on a small led projector ?below chest level,30 inches away need info.....specifics,thanks
  10. I tried the RV 10 freeware...it was terrible in X 11. Throttle was bizarre and was missing artificial horizon. It sits on the ground about an inch off the ground. Junk. The RV 12 freeware has a tach problem so I only go about 80 mph in it...I wish the author would improve it. But it does work somewhat. The guy doing the RV7 free before Covid has abandoned it. Hey Austin....can you get a decent RV that works in 11 going...? we don't need some of the other obscure planes you see in Carenado...we need a decent RV. The MOST popular kit plane in the world..... and a lot of people are not going to upgrade to 12 unless they get a discount for having 11 already. That's the way thousands of software companies do it..
  11. How is the free RV 7A in X plane?? Is it still around..? The RV 12 is fair.... Is anyone doing RVs payware that are really good??
  12. I used the exclusion box but I had to make 3 different sweeps to get the whole runway..(must include forests/objects both). it would be good if the exclusion box would create 1 box and you sized/dragged it out bigger to include the area you want and then save it...
  13. I made a gravel strip and it put trees IN the runway.... I can't see how to get rid of them....??
  14. one thing..it says at first what folder you want to use... what folder in X should I put it...?
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