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About BobFS88

  • Birthday 02/23/1957

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    Flight Simulation

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    Been involve with flight simulation since 1988 MS Flight Simulator, ATP Flight Assignment, MS FS98, 2000, FSX, Xplane 10 and 11

    Professionally: IT Sr analysis support Real time systems

    Knowledgeable in Operation Systems Windows 2000 thru 7 Linux and Unix

    IEEE member

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  1. This is indeed good news and what a time to find out is during to winter where you can have some extreme windy condition more often to test against.
  2. I would say, stay tuned. What you see in the weather improvements that has taken place over time is what you will see in the conversion from old DSF scenery file format currently use to a newer file format allow for better display of the autogen at a higher density with real data driven results to bring the imaging a lot closer to a realistic appearance over time based on what Ben talked about in his interview on the future of Xplane. By added a little at a time allows for backward compatibility of scenery using the old standard but over time the change will be most profound as we saw it with the weather until the old system is phase out and the developers start using the new standards. Also they are not done with the weather with more things to come that is going improve the flight experience even more. But so far they had made some great progress after looking at the comparison photos and are very compelling indeed.
  3. Ok great, I will try to remember that and try it.
  4. That's is good to know default ATC can see it. BTW do you get any of those pulses when Live traffic is on?
  5. Yes. With all of what that aircraft has to offer and some of the things it can do now, with CPDLC support with Sayintention support along with Vatsim, you should have hours of things to explore more than what those who own version 1 could ever dream of. One thing that impress me was the failure system with the checklist step by step FCOM built into the system to follow like engine out, engine fires procedures just the name a few and the fact that they are still not done, leaves far more to look forward to.
  6. And they are willing to show patients and understanding of the circumstances dealing with MS2024. I would only wish they would extend that consideration to X-Plane as well while it has been going through its own improvement strategy.
  7. Ben did say that they are going to roll out slowly the new scenery and it would be my guess that it will start appearing during version 12.2.0 run but still keeping DSF for compatibility purpose to keep the old scenery working so that it will give developers time to convert over to the new system. So it will be phase in while adding improvements to the performance as well, adding process to more core's etc.
  8. It's a big deal for me as well. But also watch Ben's interview in that video that Jcomm posted here to get feel on how things are progressing and on that note, i'm patient.
  9. Here a video that showing level up on a short flight that enter severe turbulence.
  10. Worth watch again as a reminder as to what is being done and when you can expect to see changes.
  11. This is taken directly from Threshold. If there is a source where we can see any data from Orbx it would be nice if someone can point that out.
  12. Same here. The TDS GTN is really a nice feature which is why some many were so excited with it came out for the other sim. But I am glad they are making for us as well.
  13. I will be right behind you.
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