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About Bjoern

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  • Birthday 04/24/1986

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  1. VSKYLABS and AWX are slightly missing the mark on the nose. The upper curvature from the windows downward looks much more accurate on the LES version. Too lazy to check, but looking at photos of C-47 props, the left engine's vortex hits the underside of the wing ouboard in an upward motion while the right engine's vortex hits outboard in a downward motion. In my book, this overall produces a right rolling motion.
  2. When it comes to flight modeling, I trust the developer with some yoke time in the real thing and PlaneMaker skills (VSKYLABS) more than a NACA report. Don't get me wrong, engineering data is great to obtain measurably correct performance, but the subjective domain of "feels right" is something entirely different.
  3. Quote https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vortex_ring_state: To me, this means that VRS can be exited when enough power is available. And power, to me, means increasing collective, which in turn means more torque.
  4. Never managed to warm up to that one because it feels too light in comparison to VSKYLABS' rendition.
  5. VRS has killed me more than once in the beginning and pulling the collective lever to the stop is not always the solution, so I do not think that recovery is too easy at all. Maybe it seems too easy because transmission damage from overtorque from max collective is not accounted for by X-Plane, so one can simply power one's way out of it. Don't forget to collect your money on the way out and drop a remark why they wanted to cheapskate themselves out of actual testing with computational dice throwing.
  6. Or the long faces when not even an approximated and comparatively simple CFD model can make their thing work. No. Everything is still way. too. slow.
  7. Have one at work and find it quite good. The keyboards may not be as indestructible as they were 15-20 years ago, but at least they do not have those disgusting soft touch caps whose prints rub off after a year. Come on, that was literally just leveraging a bog standard XP SDK function: https://developer.x-plane.com/sdk/XPLMCamera/
  8. OMG, I recognize that area. You're near Hönow, heading north, looking west.
  9. $60 with a discount and it doesn't even clear the very low hanging "correctly dimensioned and proportioned cockpit windows" bar.
  10. That's the most realistic depiction of the British Isles that I've ever seen in a flight simulator! (Ref: https://external-preview.redd.it/Q6Eb5M0LXXns38SUM3Bbce9US6P4OsGx_M4UvQsP40U.jpg?auto=webp&s=b04b3252ad16a35ebb20089db19430e1a4fb8750 or https://img.ifunny.co/images/d3bfd07deaa3fb436344a7555503816062d698c59985b788cd68865c9428d6a2_1.webp )
  11. If 3D ground objects are more of a disturbance than an enhancement you may as well stick to any flight simulator from the 1990s. Default AI aircraft can be observed on the map. It is never guaranteed that one will spawn right at your particular airport. This behavior can not be changed. Default scenery offers only a limited representation of what is out there. A scenery overhaul is on the development roadmap.
  12. The following willl replace all tugs everywhere with a blank object. 1. Create a text file with this content... I 800 OBJ ..and save it as empty.obj. This is a blank object that displays nothing. 2. Put empty.obj in a folder in "Custom Scenery", e.g. "No_Tugs". 3. In the "No_Tugs" folder, create a text file named library.txt. This controls library objects. 4. Inside library.txt, paste these lines: EXPORT lib/airport/Ramp_Equipment/Tug660_Dn_1.obj empty.obj EXPORT lib/airport/Ramp_Equipment/Tug660_Up_1.obj empty.obj EXPORT lib/airport/vehicles/pushback/tug.obj empty.obj EXPORT lib/airport/vehicles/pushback/tug_driver.obj empty.obj First column: Instruction to export the third column as the second column. Second column: object for display by the XP scenery engine. Third column: Actual object that is displayed. CAUTION: The above lines are just those I could gather from "Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/library.txt" that are related to pushback tugs. There may be others, so you will have to experiment. In scenery_packs.ini, keep "No_Tugs" above "Global Airports". Or on top if you allso want to exclude third party airports using the default tug objects.
  13. VSKYLABS is working on a MD 902: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/310009-vskylabs-test-pilot-902x-notar-wip/&
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