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  1. They've got top men on it. Top. Men.
  2. I had it the other day going into KLGA 31 PROUD2 arrival. It was one of those approaches where you fly over the aiport and then get vectored. I think flying over the airport made it think I was closer. Then the next day, same approach was fine.
  3. I have 32g of ram. The game is a complete stutter fest where my system is at 96% memory utilization as opposed to 60% with 2020. I’d throw ram at the problem, but it also feels like the Christmas patch made things worse for me. Also, until we get more 3rd party planes moved over I am hesitant to throw money at the problem, The ini planes have been hit or miss. I had what felt like a WASM crash in the a321 over the weekend where the FCP, MCDU, etc. became inoperable.
  4. I'm bullish on 2024, but I'm with you. If you are having issues with your computer and 24 there is no hope for the rest of us. The Christmas patch seemed to make things worse for me.
  5. Yeah, I hope they get this sorted out soon.
  6. I recall on the last Dev stream people were mentioning vram issues. Seb said something along the lines of "well, maybe it's time for a hardware upgrade." Then the look on their faces when somone said, "But yeah, I'm having the same issues on a 4090"
  7. Man, if you are running into issues with that card, there is no hope for us mortals.
  8. It is intersting how much the two paths have the same peaks and valleys, just different data points.
  9. I'd honestly start with 2020. FS2024 isn't in a great place right now both from a tech standpoint and plane standpoint. Sure, PMDG and iFly are bringing their planes to 2024, but both have said they are waiting on a better SDK from Asobo. It's going to take a while until they get there. I think 2-3 months is optimistic. I know in my case, FS24 gobbles ram like crazy. FS2020 uses 54% ram; 2024 96%
  10. I do this too. Then the whole thing gets run through Tableau.
  11. Sorry, I forgot the actual link. https://kb.fenixsim.com/honeycomb-bravo-setup
  12. Only if you promise to like, subscribe, and bang that bell. It really helps the channel grow.
  13. I must admit. It is time to reveal my secret identity. I am the King of France. Is that a guillotine I see in the blurry distance? Darn my eyes.
  14. the good news is, I'm into that kind of thing. Aaaaanyway.
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