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  1. Agree Win11 and HDR but also a quality monitor and calibration πŸ™‚ screenshots is easy in HDR use the game bar feature shift+alt+g πŸ˜‰
  2. Probably the cause is TAA and shimmering (DLAA is actually the better quality compared to TAA, waiting for Asobo and Nvidia implement the DLSS fix for the gauge stuff)... RTX4070TI intel 12700K at 5.0 ghz 32Gb ram all fast m2 drives - 2K DX-12 FG DLSS - DLAA preset F HDR Gsync @165Mhz Vsync off Tobii 5 FPS - unlimited (between 80 and 140 fps) with AIG and ProATC SR and Realturb Smooth as butter no shimmering at all... (DLSS version With preset F almost no blurry gauges anymore... Waiting for the 5X series to hit the market 🀣
  3. With respect but your sim is horrible πŸ€” something seriously wrong in your setup πŸ˜‰
  4. Exactly so mis-understanding about TAA, DLAA is far better technology πŸ˜‰
  5. I close first the extra programs (AI / ATC / Realturb / MF) then exit to the main menu and quit to desktop. The 30 seconds extra don't bother me after a flight of 2+ hours. That method ensures anyway that all stuff in the background had a chance to update any settings...
  6. That's a bug the fuel part, I use simbrief and set both pax and fuel 😎
  7. Well I prefer to wait first, instead to speculate of all the things that could possibly go wrong. Nevertheless your question is a valid one, but we have a great backbone to support this. I have a positive outlook and find it a blessing for our hobby where we are today Ray... In 2016 it was pretty dark the future of simming, now we have so many great choices and I embrace all the new comers to this hobby.... But hey, we have still users floating around in FS9 go figure...
  8. I actual find the opposite πŸ˜‰logical thing to do. Real life traffic is nice if you have the opportunity to have a flight in the sim at the same time and place where there is traffic.. But since we can start at any place and any time in the world, then it makes sense to have real world historic flights πŸ˜‰
  9. Captains, A few moments ago we pushed out a new update for your PMDG 777-300ER via the PMDG Operations Center. NOTE: To receive this update, launch the PMDG Operations Center and go to the updates menu. The OC will install the update for you! This updated is primarily focused on stability and performance improvements, with operational factors playing a secondary role. As mentioned in last Friday's update, our primary focus right now is to take in the enormous amount of data being provided by our user community, and using that information to determine where the choke-points are for performance, as well as reproduction steps for disruptive behaviors the in the simulation. We did find two potentially significant causes for the "freezes" that we have been chasing. One of these began to appear after the rollout of SU15, which leads us to believe that a refinement to the platform and/or a change to the way certain information gets handled during WASM buildout was exposing a problem in our code methodology that was previously masked by less fragile compilation methods. These things are ridiculously difficult to find, as they happen under changing circumstances so specific replication steps are very hard to acquire- but thanks to user feedback we were able to nail one of these cases down and we suspect it was a significant contributor to the problem. The second significant find is something we have been chasing in the 737 and 777 for some time. This one would come about if a specific type of RA event was experienced during flight, the TCAS suppression logic would fault out dramatically when landing, thus ruining your flight. We believe we have corrected the part of this tantrum that was causing the drama. (That isn't to say there isn't drama someplace else- but we found this one...) The other area that has gotten quite a bit of attention is in performance. We have been looking at data from various users and sources in order to streamline some areas of the airplane that were eating more performance than predicted once the airplane got out in the wild. As a normal part of our continual improvement process, we have made significant inroads into these areas, and we think you should see increased smoothness and performance across a range of hardware. The change list for this update is as follows: PMDG 777 for MSFS - 2.00.0036 MICRO UPDATE Released 2024-07-03 14419: [External Model - Geometry] Shoddy work by maintenance forgot to reinstall Cabin lights cover (jbrown) 14368: [Main Panel - PFD] DU Borders need tweaking. (vscimone) 14431: [FREEZES - All Types] TCAS RA causing Freeze. (abashkatov) 14392: [ACARS - Datalink/Connectivity] TWIP requests stop working in flight (hvanrensburg) 14453: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Strange artifacts when your are using TrackIR and look outside the window (vscimone) 14429: [ACARS - Weather Related Functions] Can't send new ATIS request after sending TWIP request (hvanrensburg) 14454: [Systems - Pressurization] Open the cockpit windows does not affect the cabin pressurization (hvanrensburg) 14364: [External Model - Geometry] Spoiler wing clipping on flex (jbrown) 14377: [External Model - Geometry] The Nitrogen Generation System (NGS) Intake and Outlets (LH side) and the OEA outlet on the right side are missing. (jbrown) 14444: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Gasket missing from gear handle opening (vscimone) 14342: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] Missing broadband switch on overhead (hvanrensburg) 14425: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Missing INOP stickers for ADF 1 and 2 (vscimone) 14345: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] UFT can be mounted on open window in VR (hvanrensburg) 14401: [General - SDK] MCP Lvars return incorrect values for VS and IAS (abashkatov) 14423: [Main Panel - EICAS Display Issues] Lower Display Unit engine indications placement too high (abashkatov) 14428: [General - Suggested/Missing Features] Undocked displays do not work in external views (abashkatov) 14382: [Systems - Wheels & Brakes] Parking Brake state is not being seen by ECL (rsrandazzo) 14366: [External Model - Geometry] Missing polygon left wing (jbrown) 14418: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Gaps on wipers (jbrown) 14371: [External Model - Geometry] Strobe lights during day and far zoom (jbrown) 14400: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] Yokes moves on opposite direction on drone (jbrown) 14412: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] LCD Display margins relative to the frame correct? (vscimone) 14403: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Left cockpit window frame clipping (vscimone) 14402: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Bag Stowage Placard mis spelled (vscimone) 14376: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Little geometric inaccuracy on window blind bars (vscimone) 14344: [External Model - Geometry] Nose lines on radome (jbrown) 14303: [FMS - Route/Legs Pages] Route save from RTE pg 1 fixed (emvaos) 14356: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Various VC issues (vscimone) 14263: [FMS/AFDS - VNAV] Beta 29: Top of Descent (T/D) Indication is missing its small green circle (abashkatov) Our change lists are normally fairly general, and we tend not to go into many details of changes made that were simply best practices and not related to a specific fault report- which is where most of the performance improvement work comes in... But the above list gives you a general idea of the faults we were correcting along the way. We gave this build to our testing team initially on Sunday- and have added a few improvements along the way. We are already at work on the next update, which we anticipate will follow the weekend, unless we have a major breakthrough on areas affecting the user experience. Then we will bring that update to you immediately, of course! For the most part the airplane is largely stable- but still has a few tantrums that we are sorting out- as we don't like tantrums- which you should have noticed if you spend much time here in the PMDG forum. Thank you for your passionate support of our work. We see it, and we enjoy seeing where you are flying our airplane in the virtual world, so please don't forget to drop a screenshot postcard into the forum to share your weekend adventures.
  10. Almost don't like the Fenix displays, PMDG is far ahead here local πŸ˜‰ far more sharper... (I'm not talking about performance but QA) I'm not talking about those weird font outlines (reminds me of editing gauges and fonts back then for transparency) I have disabled that option....
  11. Saw this message on the Tobii discord... MSFS simmers, did you hear our talk about camera boost at FSExpo? @Sim-Flight Do you want to see camera boost in MSFS? Make sure to upvote it over in their forums to let them know this is something we want in the game. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/improve-tobii-eye-tracking-add-support-for-camera-boost/646936 The talk: hat is camera boost: https://help.tobii.com/hc/en-us/articles/18337540780049-Camera-Boost
  12. Using realistic setting in MSFS with the combination with real turbulence 3d party app πŸ™‚ never had a disconnect and the 777 at 4x rock stable over the Atlantic... Just arrived from KJFK > EHAM KL644... Was a great jetstream and tailwind 😍
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