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  1. Ah, I understand your issue now. Hopefully you have success with your request, good luck!
  2. If that never goes away, then something must be conflicting with it. I've had Flow Pro from the beginning and that only appears when I need to access the settings. It quickly disappears right afterwards. Do you have any toolbar mods in your community folder? EDIT: I think I read your post wrong, you did mention it goes away when not using the wheel.
  3. Can confirm. I was just coming here to post about that.
  4. You can do GA IFR but you have to use SimBrief for the flight plan. There was one beta tester that all he did was GA IFR. He helped them add a lot of features you need for that into the program. One example is requesting clearance from an uncontrolled airport.
  5. You're welcome. The lack of a default audio routing option was brought up during beta testing. Hopefully one day they'll add it in so we don't need to use this method.
  6. You can if you use the Windows built-in audio mixer. I'm sending ATC to my headset using that method.
  7. 150 limited to US and UK accents per what the dev just said on their Discord. He said they have access to more accents but were not happy with how they sounded right now so are just sticking with those two for now.
  8. I've never liked those prepaid visa's. Too many restrictions. See if you can go to an ATM and just pull the money out. If you can, just put that back into your bank and use your normal debit / card credit to purchase your sim stuff.
  9. No, they are not allowing users to use SAPI voices installed on their PC.
  10. You missed the important part of my quote. I said "What I'm looking for with VR flying is not there yet." What you're looking for in VR flying might be there. It's not for me. I want the best of both worlds were I can dump my monitors but still keep and use high end peripheral without fumbling around or trying to peak through the small nose crack to see the outside world. With Apple and Meta jumping into the MR field, I'm hopeful something like that be possible in the future. I REALLY hope that does happen because at some point I want to build a one-seater version of what Mike has. I don't have an overhead or anything like that yet so just getting an expensive MR headset would probably save me thousands in the long run. 😁
  11. You are not alone. I've owned several VR headsets over the years. The latest two are the HP Reverb G2 and the Quest 3. I just keep going back to 2D flying with all my hardware. What I'm looking for with VR flying is not there yet. When mixed reality tech gets to a point where I can use all of my hardware MCP's, FMC's etc. and I don't have to turn the visuals down then I'll probably finally dump all my monitors. That would be the day because the heat these darn monitors produce is horrible.
  12. Yep, for what he was saying that going to be between 20 - 200 flights for the standard voices. It's going to be interesting to see when official numbers are released on how feasible this approach will be for people. Someone did recently bring up to them the option of using SAPI voices as an additional option but they shot that down. Personally, after years of using P2ATC with IVONA voices, I'm use to them and wouldn't mind using them with this. I think having 3 options for voices could be a good idea. SAPI - $ Standard AI Voices - $$ Premium AI Voices - $$$
  13. This was just posted on the BATC Discord when the Captain was talking about what it currently costs for voice time. He said this is not the price we would pay but I think it gives you a decent idea on potential pricing. https://discord.com/channels/1082413096045391915/1117856079527804999/1157681066044301322
  14. Last time it was brought up on their Discord, VFR will be supported on release but it hadn't been worked on yet. Hopefully that will be the case when it releases.
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