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  1. Thank you guys, that Boeing TCA looks very nice, sadly after shipping and taxes it costs me about $900 which is about 5 minimum wages here, freaking crazy country. I think I'm going to take a different approach and try to build my one throttles and flaps/spoilers levers.
  2. I'm not talking only from my experience, that would be an insignificant sample. Internet is full of reports about how bad is this controller. You can simply google it, I bet it has been mentioned on this forum plenty of times too.
  3. Please don't buy that saytek/logitech junk, it uses some dirty cheap potentiometers that start malfunctioning sometimes after just a few hours of use.
  4. Hi, I'm looking for a set, yoke, throttles and flaps/spoilers levers, i'd be flying a 738 mainly, but it doesn't need to be specific for this aircraft, I know I can't be picky since my budget is only $500. Thanks in advance for any suggestion.
  5. Never found a fix so I just hardcoded this by simulating a "G" keystroke, which switch the gear up/down
  6. Hey guys, I'm currently working on my B738 home made cockpit based on the PMDG 737 NGX I already have a lot of controls working, but i'm currently stuck with the gear. It's frustrating due the lack of documentation but playing a bit with values I managed to make the gear move to the UP position SimConnect_TransmitClientEvent(hSimConnect, 0, EVENT_GEAR_LEVER,-1, SIMCONNECT_GROUP_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, SIMCONNECT_EVENT_FLAG_GROUPID_IS_PRIORITY); and hr = SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_GEAR_LEVER, "#70087"); That worked, however I'm unable to make the gear to go down, tried almost any value and it only seems to work with -1 and it makes it to go up. In the PMDG_NGX_SDK.h file the MAIN_GearLever variable is commented as // 0: UP 1: OFF 2: DOWN So I tried to directly change its value, didn't work either, I guess it is read-only. Any idea how can achieve this? Thanks in advance.
  7. Thank you all, the problem was my TV which is set as an extension of the main desktop, I turned it off and then the FSX screen popped up in the main monitor. Not sure why this happened now as I never had such problem before.
  8. Better later than never... If you read the comments in the SDK structure it says: So, if there is not present in the SDK you access them via simconnect, there is nothing wrong with that.
  9. If I understand it correctly, it's the status of that system, when the linked control is not being pressed.
  10. ...and there is no way to maximize it tried alt+tab, clicking the icon in the taskbar, "bring to front" from the task manager...nothing works. this happened suddenly after installing Visual Studio 2010. Any other idea? PS: deleting fsx.cfg helps but would like to avoid it Thank you.
  11. According what I have investigated... - You need at least one, or more machines. - You need a software that capture the part of the screen you want in the secondary monitors, tried some demos a freewares, nothing worked properly - If your network bandwidth isn't good enough you will suffer FPS lag. - You are still adding extra load in the main box, since it needs to generate the images that are transmitted over the network, unless you use a program like project magenta which transmit only raw data, they use to cost a lot of money and doesn't work with paywares like the NGX.
  12. You will also face a lot of different problems following that path. I think the only downside with the multi-monitor setup is the performance loss, if you can keep it within the acceptable limits you'll be just fine. I need to make a lot more testing but it seems running the sim in full screen mode fixed it for me. (crossfingers)
  13. Thank you rend, I realized that couple minutes ago. I was told undocked windows wouldn't work with full screen but they do. Thanks!
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