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About ark

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  1. No, I don't depart from where I last landed. For each flight I look for a destination with an interesting STAR or approach, or at least IFR weather. I then pick my departure based on the time I have available for the flight. Al
  2. That's good news! Note the C414 has "state saving", so some settings, e.g., switch positions, etc, are saved from flight to flight, including the fuel in the tanks. So if you ended a flight with the left tank empty, that might of been a factor in the left tank being empty each time you loaded the plane, don't know for sure. Al
  3. I doubt it is a general problem with the C414, but rather something about the C414 install on your system. There are literally 1000s of C414 users and I have not seen any other reports similar to yours, at least not yet, either here on AVSIM or on the FSW Discord server, which is very active.. AFTER the left engine quits, maybe check that the left tank fuel selector is still pointing to the green area, the crossfeed value is closed and there is fuel in the left tank. Also check that under the sim Control Options, you have the correct throttle profile for the C414 selected and it works as expected when you move both throttles. After you load directly onto the runway and both engines are running, does the left engine continue to run if you do nothing? If so, next move the left throttle a bit and see if that kills the engine. If not, then maybe try the individual mag switches. The idea is to try and isolate what is causing the left engine to quit. Finally, suggest you post on the FSW Discord since there are lots of helpful C414 users there and someone may have the solution to your problem. https://discord.gg/sm3a2Ktu see the pc-support-chat channel. Al
  4. As I recall the installer first uninstalls the existing install, and then does the (re)install. However, if one of the files in the existing install is corrupt in some way, it may not get removed during the uninstall process. So what you can try is to manually delete any C414 files from the Community folder (I'm assuming you didn't buy the C414 from the Market Place and the C414 is in the Community folder), and then run the installer to reinstall the plane. If that doesn't work, then suggest you rename the Community folder to back it up (e.g., Community_BkUp), then create a new Community folder and only paste the C414 folder (or install the C414) into the new Community folder, and then start the sim and load a GNS530 version of the C414 using a default FSW livery. This will check for any Community folder conflict. Al
  5. Make sure that: - You are using the latest version of the plane. - You are using the latest version of whatever GPS you are using. - You are using a default Flysimware livery and not an addon livery. - Fuel tank selectors are set correctly. - The sim has not turned on any Assistance options you don't want to use (Automixture, etc). As a test you could also try loading directly onto a runway from the World Map page in which case both engines should be running. Al
  6. OK, I just checked with the developer and you are correct, there should be a flag. I need to figure out why I don't see one. What version of the Lear are you using, and where did you purchase it from? Al
  7. I don't see any flag with either interaction system. What version of the Lear are you using? Al
  8. Left clicking on the center of the adjustment knob works for me in Legacy interaction mode to uncage and cage the standby horizon. Al
  9. Just updated FSUIPC7 today (5Jul'24) and it does start automatically. If you used the EXE.xml install option check that there is the corresponding FSUIPC7 entry in your EXE.xml file. It should look something like the below but likely is strung out in one single long line at the bottom of the EXE.xml file. Although not necessary, I parsed that line into the more typical multi-line format below. <Launch.Addon> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad> <Name>FSUIPC7</Name> <Path>C:\Users\Al\Documents\Al's Flight Simulation\AddOns\FSUIPC7\modules\FSUIPC7.exe</Path> <CommandLine>-auto</CommandLine> <NewConsole>False</NewConsole> </Launch.Addon> Al
  10. Make sure you have the setting ATC ENFORCE FLIGHTPLAN set to ON under Assistance Options > User Experience. If that setting is off, the sim picks the runway for takeoff -- perhaps based on current real weather winds? Al.
  11. Well shoot, sorry that didn't help. I don't see why the sim consistently loads you onto the wrong runway for takeoff. Don't know if it makes any difference, but I always select my takeoff runway directly on the world map screen. Are you also doing that, or are you importing a flight plan with the takeoff runway into the sim from some other app? Al
  12. Well, I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt, but unfortunately you have confirmed what I suspected based on the nature of your previous responses (and probably your subsequent responses) to folks here. Al
  13. I don't think that is the case or there would be a ton of reports similar to yours on the very active Flysimware Discord site, and that is just not the case. In fact, there are a number of real life Learjet pilots active on the Discord that use the TDS GTN750 and are quite happy with the current implementation of the Learjet. If interested, here's an easy "experiment" worth trying. Suggest you reinstall the Lear's latest update, but with this caveat. Normally the installer first uninstalls your current install, and then installs the "new" one. However, if some of the files in your current install are corrupted, or were changed somehow, the uninstall may not work as intended and this can lead to problems. So suggest you rename your Community folder to back it up and then create a new Community folder. Then reinstall the Lear into this new empty Community folder along with just the latest TDS GTN750 and see if this makes a difference. This procedure has helped a number of users that had strange problems, and checks for a Community folder conflict along with a possible install issue. If this seems to help, then add back your other Community folder addons. Al
  14. That's good news, what was the "fix"? Al
  15. The next thing that comes to mind is the possibility of controller conflicts. To the extent possible, as a test I suggest you unplug your USB controllers and just use the mouse in the VC to see if that makes a difference. Al
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