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About V1ROTA7E

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  1. I thought the same thing till I went back to DX11 last night. Been using DX12 exclusively for the past 2 or so years. I’ve gotta say, DX11 feels so much more robust. It’s snappy, frame times are far more consistent as well. I hope LSFG can stabilize further, because DX11 with frame gen is the holy grail.
  2. yeah, it's super annoying. just tried this out again in dx12...i'm blown away at the smoothness, but holy word not allowed, night time looks like a bad trip P.S. if you want to revert, right click the title in your games menu, go to properties, select betas, and then go to 2.9 or another one. issue is gone in 2.1
  3. ReShade! Completely changed the look of the sim. Find some presets on .to and tweak them till your heart's content. Not sure if your monitor supports HDR, but this coupled with some fine tuning of shaders has led me to put away my VR headset. Using an OLED panel with HDR and reshade...game changer.
  4. I hear you. But honestly, if they can achieve the "effect" of having the systems modeled correctly...I don't really care. From a pilot's perspective, sure, we've gotta know how the system works, but only insofar that it can help us understand what comes next. QRH's/ECL's pretty much tell you what to do in the event something breaks. If you get too detailed, it'd probably eat into performance running all of those background calculations...but if they can model various systems to behave as they should (from a pilot's perspective) that's A-OK to me! In flight sim, your computer's gotta render the plane/systems AND the world. And in real life, the matrix has to render our world, each PC, and the world of the PC including this A350. It'd break the universe 😂
  5. let's just hope the pudding isn't moldy by the time it's in our hands 😂
  6. Straight out of our FCTM: touchdown attitude at VREF is roughly 4 degrees. If your speed is higher than VREF, you'll need a lower touchdown angle. Ideally, you'll touchdown at VREF (I don't know about you, but when I hear "ten" from the gipwiz, all bets are off, not paying attention to any particular pitch attitude). PS: This is for a standard touchdown rate of -150 FPM
  7. This is going to be my last post arguing with you. Regarding what I said, I also specified "It's perfectly okay to discuss products on this site." My point of contention was where he said: I don't care whether the developer pops in here to support their product or not, because I know that I'm likely able to get support from another user on here. Over the years, Umberto's attitude towards customers has been full of disdain, and I'm honestly exhausted by it. He could just as easily have said "Hey OP, there's already a topic about this bug on our forum. Here's the link to the discussion; feel free to follow to stay updated. Thanks for your support." Spoiler alert, there's no info in that "discussion."
  8. Ok, sure. Firstly, you upvoted Umberto's comment, suggesting that "[he] should have reported this in the proper places." This suggests that he should not have reported it here at all -- i.e. a public forum open to getting support from whomever. Secondly, the OP never specifically asked for the developer's response, he was simply reporting the issue, and you still had something to say about it. This suggests that your issue is with the act of bringing it up in this forum in the first place.
  9. I never said that the developer should support their products on here....but it seems as if you are suggesting that NO support, including from other users, should be allowed here. Linking an existing discussion topic is helpful. Telling people they shouldn't discuss it here is NOT.
  10. Sorry Umberto, I disagree. AVSIM is my primary source for news/updates/info. I don't frequent your fourm, nor do I plan to. It's perfectly okay to discuss products on this site. I appreciate your products, but I do not appreciate constantly vilifying the customer.
  11. Can someone please post pictures of EGSS from Asobo? Another guy did a comparison on the official forums between the MK studio EICK, and the new one. The new one has better ground textures, but the MK one is a bit more detailed all around.
  12. It's probably something in your community folder. The powerlines & solar farms have been known to cause this in the past. Try with a completely empty community folder.
  13. Sorry man, I never did use it. You can probably find it somewhere...though, they may have taken it down because it breaks something else.
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