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About ca_metal

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  1. Hey @micstatic After what @Micko said above, I checked the review videos, and indeed you can just turn it off within a button click:
  2. It was already in the Alphas. I think it's their visual identity (the red honeycomb). I don't like it either. Isn't possible to turn it off (I mean through a software, not physically cutting the wires)?
  3. Last dev Q&A Jörg said they are listening to the community and assessing how deep they need to go with those planes (famous fliers and local legends). They never aimed study level. It’s different from the expert series (ATR). I guess they could improve realism, but they would cost more and we would have less releases through time.
  4. Each aircraft will have its own profile. It will auto-load. And 2020 doesn’t have that for now (maybe they will implement in a future update). In 2020 you can create as much profiles as you want, but you need to switch manually.
  5. I saw, but London is already covered by PG. The issue is the current PG is bad in some aspects and Jörg said they had a new PG they would implement at some point. Today they rushed a bit while talking about the WU and I think Jörg didn't mention anything about it.
  6. He didn't said what other cities will get covered by PG, did he? Also, I think he didn't say if London will be updated in this WU.
  7. There were some good news regarding that: WU Brazil is finished collecting the data (airplanes finished the work, DEM data received etc), they just need to work on the data (months of work, not weeks). And they are also flying over Africa to have some TIN cities over there. I mean, not ideal, but WU Brazil is still said to come for MSFS 2020 (so I guess before 11/2024). And we now we will have PG cities (plural) in Africa. Side note: Jörg is in Hawaii, so maybe he is flying himself the plane to take the so needed pictures for the WU Hawaii. LOL
  8. At FSExpo Jörg talked about weekly announcements of new partners (IIRC), I thought they would start today. But not really complaining. Jörg is on vacation and still attended today’s stream. I can wait for more info.
  9. At least we know it’s more than one. LOL I hope Cairo and Cape Town will be covered for the first WU Africa. They are iconic cities for me.
  10. I was hoping to hear more about 2024. But apparently they are holding new info as much as possible. 😂
  11. Yeah, it won't happen. But people can always use symlinks. We can just link the add-ons that work for both.
  12. New controls settings. On 2024 we will be able to set those for individual planes.
  13. According to the information we have sofar: 1. Can both platforms (MSFS2020 / MSFS2024) be installed and used on the same PC and why should I keep MSFS2020 if I get MSFS2024? Yes. They will be totally separated products. 2. When using MSFS2024, which MSFS2020 platform features/functions will I miss, if anything? No. They are adding features. Everything included on 2020 will be there in 2024. Some special missions and vehicles might not get there (like Top Gun and Dune). 3. Can I use Free Flight in MSFS2024(pick an airplane, load simbrief data and fly the route to a destination) and what will I miss from MSFS2020? Yes. You won't miss anything. Unless some of the missions I said above won't make it, and you really like them(because of IP licenses). 4. If all MSFS2020 platform features/functions are ported over to MSFS2024 + MSFS2024 improvements, why do I still need MSFS2020? You don't. They are offering 4 more years of support/updates probably so we have a smooth transition. 5. Will new updates to MSFS over the next 4 years as announced also be added to MSFS2024? Not much clear for now, but I believe it will be the other way around. Features will be implemented natively in 2024 and then ported (when possible) to 2020. Seasons is something they were assessing the possibility to port to 2020 and it is native of 2024.
  14. That’s for sure. Most people will probably move, but you talked about “2024 being more disruptive than 2020 was”. I’m just saying it can’t be because the situation is completely different now. We can talk about the user base, the number of simmers prior to 2020 was 100s of times smaller (according to some developers like Randazzo), that was disruptive. 2024 might bring more people to the hobby, but probably not at this same rate. We can talk about the engine of the simulator. We were using XP11 and P3D V5. I don’t need to say what Asobo brought to the table was clearly better (a lot, in every possible way). This time is more incremental than revolutionary (and I don’t say this in a negative way). 2024 is better and greater than anything we had so far, the gap between 2024 and 2020 is smaller than we had between 2020 and XP11/P3Dv5. Final point is impact over 3rd party devs. We all remember how most 3rd devs were in shock when the new sim was announced. It was days before the FSExpo 2019. And that was pretty much the main subject in the event, and MS/Asobo wasn’t even attending the event. This time it’s been pretty smooth. Everything will be compatible, we can keep buying the add-ons because they should work on the new sim and so on. 2024 will certainly be amazing, but it won’t be as revolutionary. And that’s a good thing IMO. And here I’m talking more about the impact over the community than how many new features or improvements the new sim will have.
  15. There’s no doubt some features will be added later in the development cycle. It’s in their wishlists and roadmap. Sometimes it’s not really Asobo’s fault, but individual expectations. About the release date, I don’t know why are you raising doubts about it releasing this year, the date is already settled. It is releasing the 11/19.
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