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About flyblueskies

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  1. That was it...I uninstalled 3.0.83 then installed 3.0.88. So far, the altitude and heading change requests are working. Requesting ATC altitude decreases are also working. Lastly, I finally have sync heading working again... By the way, I am using the MS store edition and the 737-800.
  2. Hello, I'm having issues with MCE, MSFS, and the PMDG 737. I'm using the following: MCE V. 3.0.83 (I tried to download 3.0.88, but the download link does not work for me). PMDG 737 from the Marketplace (just bought when it went on sale) Simco64_ldr.exe V. Built in ATC & MCE push to talk button on Honeycomb Alpha and also use the HC Beta hardware. I have disabled all toggle buttons on the HC Beta hardware. The issues I have are: Note: This is an IFR flight. When the built in ATC tells me to increase my altitude, issue 1 below happens. For some reason, the FO automatically tries to adjust the altitude, even though I have not asked for it. 1. In MCE, Real Cockpit Crew Coordination is CHECKED. The FO adjusts the altitude, he keeps rotating the altitude knob until the altitude is maximum. I have to wait until the knob stops rotating, then I can readjust the altitude correctly. If I uncheck Real Cockpit Crew Coordination, the wild altitude adjustments stop and I can manually and correctly adjust the altitude. 2. In an IFR flight only, (VFR works fine), when I request and altitude adjustment such as Center, American 427 requests FL220 (from FL280 for example), monitoring the ATC, it always opens the INCREASE altitude window and stops. It should open the DECREASE altitude and choose the correct adjustment. Again, this only happens with and IFR flight. The VFR flights correctly adjusts the altitude requests correctly. 3. I have a similar problem with the heading adjustment. The FO has a difficult time correctly setting the heading adjustment. I usually have to readjust after his adjustment. I know you do not recommend the built in ATC, but honestly, it works OK for me. If we could just fix the above two issues, it would make MCE interface much better with the built in ATC.
  3. As RyanBATC mentions, the Duke Turbine does not have the prop sync...only the Duke Piston has it.
  4. I think that is not the case anymore. I believe they changed their policy due to Paypal not refunding their 6% fee...
  5. I basically do the same as sd_flyer, I use my mouse wheel to rotate completely to the right, then left click and hold until it starts.
  6. I'm looking into FSHud and would like to add voice control. I think I remember a post about interfacing MCE with other ATC programs besides PF3, but wonder if anyone has experience with MCE and FSHud?
  7. It didn't...if you bought the MS Store version, you still use your XBOX account. I think what he is trying to explain, is that the new owner is signing into your XBOX account...basically he has your identity now... If you use hotmail or outlook as your email, this means he can also log into your hotmail or outlook accounts and see your email. By changing your password, he will no longer be able to log into your xbox (or hotmail/outlook) account. You really should change your password...
  8. I'm using the v15 Sim Beta and have no problem using the MSFS 2020 Auto FPS App. It works just fine for me.
  9. Thank you. I deleted the v0.4.1 installer...so I have no way to go backwards. But, no worry, I simply renamed the folder to include v0.4.1 in case I want to go back. I've installed v0.4.2 and it is very nice! Great Job! Thank you for all your hard work, and especially for requesting and listening to feedback. The program really shows the polish you put into this!
  10. Question...I currrrently have 0.4.1 installed and would like to keep it installed. Is there a way to install 0.4.2 into another directory?
  11. Thank you and I understand...interestingly enough, your reason above is actually why I asked. I was hoping to have the option of displaying a much smaller portion (just TLOD and OLOD) in the upper left corner in place of the much larger dialog box. Anyway, both of your programs are great and I enjoy using them.
  12. I'm a real fan of your programs. They've really come a long way! I know I'm late to the program request, but one thing I have been thinking about as I use your programs...would it be possible to add an option to display the TLOD and OLOD in red, upper left hand corner, in a similar method to the ambiiouspilots-shiftzstats program? That way, I don't have the complete dialog box taking up space either in my main screen or second screen. This would be much easier and to glance at...
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