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About guenseli

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  1. Absolutely, yes! And very restrictive (kind of nerdism for me, kind of compulsive) For new addons I have starting points all over the world, but then strictly fly from there. Using WAMA (where are my aircraft), I can also see my other parked addons there
  2. Oh yes, and you get thirsty and exhausted. Need clothing. Maybe build a base to survive or a daily job to pay the helicopters fuel. And you have a family and friends, you need new interior for your home and a pool. 😁
  3. I can't say ... You click on a "+" (for an axis or a button), an additional window opens, you move the axis you want or press the button. Choose the function you'd like to assign - thats it. Of course, AAO is very powerful and you have endless possibilities with it. But I don't think, the basic usecase is very complicated.
  4. Thats the reason many of us want historical weather. And I still can't understand others don't understand πŸ˜‰
  5. Beside that AAO could do many, many other things especially for special hardware like StreamDecks, Switch Panels, MIDI devices, MCP Combo etc.: AAO detects automatically your current airplane, so no manually switching between profiles. You can asign your hardware for helicopter, single prop engine or 747 and do not have to care any more once set up. You can also make templates, e.g. for my MCP Combo and assign this template with a single click to your new aircraft without overriding your current other assignments. you can have different profiles even by livery i you want, and you don't have to care about. But, this is just one single aspect of one of the most powerful tools in MSFS
  6. I fear not πŸ˜’ This would be also my top 5 most wanted feature!
  7. πŸ‘ You know what I want ... 😁 Many thanks!
  8. Oh no, would mean another hour minimum I fear ... Its already late here. πŸ™„
  9. No, PMDG was bought by Microsoft and runs MS Servers now EDIT.: website is ok again, no release EDIT.: website is down again. Maybe release??? EDIT.: Website online again, still no release πŸ˜‰
  10. No, it's very clever, because the community is debating all the time about the prices. And as you can see, most will pay about 70$. PMDG would be dumb if they had announced it already for 50$. Seems to be a very democratic pricing system. Community make their own prices. So, PMDG could drop it now for 65$ and everyone is happy as we all thought it would be more expensive. They could also charge 80$ and everyone would be ok with now.
  11. Imagine the pricedrop is a countdown and every hour it reduces by 0.01: So it would take about 3,706,585 years for the countdown to complete. If it reduces every second: So it would take about 1030.55 years for the countdown to be completed. Ok, reducing it a whole Dollar every second: it would take about 10.30 years for the countdown to be completed. Just imagine how much money that is.
  12. Good example. Done that also in my childhood for many years
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