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About jabloomf1230

  • Birthday December 30

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    NY Hudson Valley, & WA

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    Pilot License, Professional Engineer, Ph.D Engineering.

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  1. You are better off asking on the official FSUIPC forums, but let me ask you on question. When you started with blank profiles for the Warthog to set up the FSUIPC bindings, how did you do it? My experience was that the MSFS 2024 Clear function under Controls does not reliably clear all assignments.
  2. Wasn't 566.45 just a hotfix for one game (not MSFS)?
  3. Thank you so much for Regional #24. The NE USA has far too many conifers IMO in the default MSFS 2024.
  4. I'm not sure. I haven't seen it yet, but that doesn't mean much. Maybe someone else can comment on this. It's a long-standing issue and I've seen no information about it in 2024. https://devsupport.flightsimulator.com/t/some-longstanding-jetways-issues/4487
  5. I'm not sure. I haven't seen it yet, but that doesn't mean much. Maybe someone else can comment on this.
  6. You need to post this on the AS official forums. Asobo made changes to the flight plan file format for MSFS2024. AS may have missed some of the changes. Its also possible that there's a bug in the way that both the EFB and the flight planner website create flight plan files.
  7. MSFS has a bug where for some airports, the jetways are disconnected from the terminal. The problem stems from the sim not processing LODs correctly. Most objects in the sim actually have multiple Levels of Detail (LOD) that get simpler the farther the object is from the user. You can demonstrate the bug by going into Developer Mode with top down view. Zoom way out and then back down and the jetways will usually reconnect.
  8. This video might be helpful, as it explains why direct conversions don't work correctly:
  9. It seems like, from my reading online, that polygons tend to work better at excluding buildings in 2024, than do other options
  10. The only option left is to try a polygon. Else, it's another one of the MSFS2024 bugs that can't be worked around.
  11. It's been fixed in the recent patch.
  12. No, it only appeared to be working in MSFS 2024 because you also have 2020 installed and LNM was using the 2020 scenery database. In the long run, I can't imagine myself leaving 2020 installed.
  13. I'm glad to see that you got LNM working.😁
  14. 2024 is shaky, but I need to test add-ons and scenery, so I have no choice.
  15. This thread is about BATC and MSFS 2024. You should probably start a new thread. You can consult this MSFS help page to troubleshoot connectivity issues, because the source of the problem is quite variable: https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/6972474366748-How-to-troubleshoot-connectivity-issues#:~:text=In some cases%2C your router,to manually forward these ports.
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