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  1. Here in the AVSIM Files Library you will find very old UK Chatter (Heathrow, Thames Radar etc) files that were intended for use in long forgotten chatter app (FS9 or earlier era). You can edit them up and use them with the current chatter applications. Do a library search for "chatter". There are also many files on YouTube which are of UK ATC Chatter which you can rip the audio track from and slice up as needed. Here is just one of many... https://youtu.be/aFcR5vyJZj0?si=HdXHQuck8d8Mr466
  2. I think the applications go far beyond simulations for gaming. Jorg frequently refers to the complete global environment as a "digital twin". It could be eventually used in climate visualisations, town and city planing, scientific visualisations etc.
  3. This is the best! I'm typing from a remote jungle home in Indonesia which I live in half of the year (in 2 month stretches) which serves as a circuit breaker from western hyper BS. I like being able to transition between both worlds - perhaps I could have just taken a job living at a fire tower!
  4. Who knows what our ATC future holds... MSFS is built upon Microsoft's in-house AZURE cloud services, Microsoft's in-house BING maps, and while Microsoft doesn't own OpenAI's (ChatGPT) it is OpenAI's leading investor. MSFS is more than a "game" or "simulation", it's also a cloud services technology demonstrator for the company.
  5. Almost the same here - VSYNC 30 (Half monitor native frame rate) with the AutoFPS framerate set at 28. I used to have AutoFPS framerate set to 29 but I never reached the TLOD of 200 (my max setting) in cruise (12,000 FT) - it would alway stop a little short around TLOD 194 or 196 :). Of course in reality the difference between TLOD 194 or 200 wouldn't be detectable, but heck - setting the target frame rate to 28 locks in a perfect TLOD 200 every flight now. What an amazing application AutoFPS is - now I dont even look at it, it just runs in the background and i NEVER see a stutter 🙂 Pure joy!
  6. I'm sure Microsoft's business plan is more than just a flight simulator. They are basically building a digital twin (that's Microsoft's own words) of the planet, Microsoft's own Bing version of "Google Earth" - that arguably has already surpassed Google Earth. This will be able to used in an amazing amount of applications extending to professional and scientific uses. MSFS is also a technology demonstrator for many Microsoft technologies such as Azure cloud etc. Flight Simulator may just be the launch application (and a very rich visual demonstration) of this platform. This may be why Microsoft is so protective of the weather system, not providing a rich weather API - because their long term plans include this digital twin being a real time environmental (climate) model as well. Think about it - all the blessed 3rd party partners they have engaged are working on the application layer such as vehicles / or scenery models that sit on top of their world. Any vendor who has "messed" with the core planet (such as providing a limited season texture change etc) are tolerated as "hacks" but not officially blessed or promoted by Microsoft.
  7. Rob is such an amzing artist, his 3 Queensland airports are amazing and feel really true to life.
  8. Hi Himmelhorse - I noticed you are an Australian in East Java and flightsim! I live 8 months or so of the year in a very remote village in Bangli (yeh Bali - but dont hold that against me, the closest other foreigners are around 20km from me!) and the rest of my life in at my home in the Hawkesbury River area, NSW.

    I have been simming since MSFS V2 (1980's) and it for my whole life has remained one of my most frequent and enjoyable parts of life! I don't sim when in Indonesia, my setup being back in Australia (I like the differences of Indonesian and Australian life and how I spend my day in very different places), but very day without fail keep up on MSFS news!

    Anyway, I thought I would just say hello!



  9. Yes happens to me too (maybe 25% of the time?) - I only fly the DA62. In the past restarting the sim (exit to desktop and once again start MSFS) has always fixed it. But yesterday morning it happened to me again even after the second restart, and I didnt try a third time. I had never experienced the issue prior to the December sim update.
  10. I agree! This app/mod was (for me) the best add-on of 2023 - I'm including both Freeware and Payware in my thinking!
  11. I have long had Windy Things installed and still see plenty of third-party and default windsocks blowing the wrong way and often duplicated. So, I'm pretty sure that the Windy Things only controls the correct operation of their own windsock objects. This paragraph from the Windy Things product description seems to confirm my thinking... "Important Notes Unlike the default Asobo windsock, all of the objects in this library have been designed so that they will remain properly oriented to the wind, regardless of how you rotate them in your scene. I am still interested in creating internal windsock lighting in addition to the external windsock lighting included in this library, but the lighting system in MSFS 2020 does not seem to work well for that application. If anyone has had success in creating a working lighting effect INSIDE an object in MSFS, please PM me here with your ideas".
  12. Sounds like the problem I had last week - or maybe the week before. I went to the FSLTL Discord and read that there is (was?) a bug in the Experimental Injector. It happens when your departure and arrival airport are the same. The solution is to download and use the official release version of the Injector. The Experimental Version will be updated to fix it.
  13. That's werid - Flightsim.to for me (and most others I'm sure) is mainly in English. Delete your browser cache? Try another browser?
  14. So... I have just loaded up WU14 and at random decided to load into one of the new handcrafted airports - LDRI Rijeka in Croatia. WOW! The quality of the airport is amazing, it just goes to highlight how amazing the sim is progressing. What really struck me is the faded taxiway lines and apron markings and the worn and faded runway white centerline markings as well as the unusual terminal and tower. The "free" included handcrafted airports back in 2020 always seemed to feature over-saturated red and yellow comic-like line markings - this is such an improvement. The terraforming seems spot on with gentle runway variations without the taxiway bumps and invisible potholes that afflict so many add-ons around the stores. I'm excited to see if the other freebie airports in WU14 are of equal quality.
  15. Just for what's it worth (confirming for others that if you come across this error it's easy to get up and running again) today when attempting to start FS-ATC-Chatter I received a dialogue box error "Non-static method requires a target". This followed a crash to reboot by MSFS a few minutes before (the crash was related to DX12 nothing to do with FS-ATC-Chatter). Deleting the file "state.json" in the FS-ATC-Chatter installed folder solved the issue and the Chatter app loaded up without any further issues into its default state.
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