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About lehbird

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  1. Wonderful, thank you very much! one less thing I need to worry about 🙂
  2. Long story short, my old PC died. I have a new one coming in. Will there any issues installing MSFS 2020 on my new PC without uninstalling from my previous PC (because I can't)? Thanks, Dave
  3. Anyone having camera issues after SU15? Sometimes they are fine, but right now flying the Fenix for example and even the basic camera commands are acting goofy. I hit the "End" button which should move from cockpit to outide and instead it does something else, the default Ctrl-space bar should bring the camera back to the default view and it doesn't, it shoots me off into space...
  4. I am a little perplexed by this post. If you have been interested in this plane for sometime, which it sounds as if you have, I am sure you picked up on the fact this plane is meant for those looking for something "study level." It shouldn't be a surprise that you can't just hit CTRL-E to start the engines. That said, as posted above, YouTube is your friend. There are MANY video tutorials up for this AC. The developer has one up specifically for the engine start which walks you through the process for both the piston and the Turbo. Frankly, the Turbine is fairly straightforward, the piston, you can do everything right and you still have cross your fingers and hope it starts 🙂
  5. FS2020 came out in August so... I think there are at least a few folks working in the summer in France....
  6. You could be completely right and I may be wrong, but my understanding was they were holding off because they are afraid that SU15 will "screw things up", not because they are relying on any new features SU15 has.
  7. Personally, I could care less about SU15 itself. What troubles me is that it is holding up the release of the Duke. If it is going to be a long wait for SU15, hoping Black Square rethinks their position on holding off until after SU15 release...
  8. I am not saying you are wrong, but do you have knowledge of this or are you just speculating?
  9. Yeah, I'm already hanging out a couple of versions behind because the current ones don't play nice with my VA ACARS System.
  10. I posted this over in the GSX Forum, but just wondered if maybe any of you have this issue: I am running Fenix Block 2 and for some reason, baggage loading does not now start until after all passengers have boarded. Anyone else have this issue? Never had this with the previous version
  11. I had the same problem. BUT instead of racing to the forums to blame the product, I decided to employed the ultimate panacea.... I rebooted my PC and all was well 🙂 For the record, the product is not "rubish"....
  12. Yes, but I am talking about climbing at 4,000-5,000 FPM which is 4-5 times that.
  13. Thank you. So a climb / decent rate of 4k-5k FPM is not "uncomfortable" for passengers and is permitted by airlines? In some airline simulation products I use I loose points for those rates of climb / descents so I figured they probably were not appropriate in the real world.
  14. Thanks. But is that realistic? Do airliners really climb / decent that steeply? I would guess no, but could be wrong.
  15. So when you allow the autopilot to determine the rate of climb / decent how does it determine the rate? Case in point, when I fly the Fenix or the PMDG 737 and go VNAV, the rate climb / decent can sometimes be 3k-4k FPM. This isn't realistic or appropriate, is it? Is there something I should be adjusting in the FMC to control this? Thanks, Dave
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