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About kiki

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  1. Not that I know. Sadly, I would love to have option for that. And also option to change the reg or cail sign (how many times I´ve had it wrong when I am ready to start the engines).
  2. I would like to know: - what is great with the AS version? - how hard is it for the performance?
  3. For sure I will follow how they develop this product and make my decision later. Now I am just wondering WHAT was the reason for them to release it now. Why there was such a hurry?
  4. That sounds odd. I have had no issues with it nor I have heard of others with the problems you mentioned
  5. I had to uninstall powerlines and solarfarms because of stutters. And I am not the only one.
  6. With gliders in the previous sims you needed all kind of add on programs running. So that was a mess and not so interesting. Is that the case here also? I would love to dance with the clouds without engine but don’t want to d/l and use all those extra programs.
  7. For me the Turbo was better option. As I was not going to get both of them, the Turbo gave me option for both worlds (low and slow when I need that with an option to go faster, higher and longer). Your preferences might be different.
  8. I have also used GE for this. After the latest sim updates I gave it up. It is just too much for me to follow which sceneries work with the latest updates (with the 100 + sceneries I have). Addon Linker might be a good solution. Never ever will I download so many sceneries, not any more.
  9. Worked for most of the airplanes! Some of them still have the pink parts, but I can live without those.
  10. Hi! Some - not all - of the liveries are missing, I think. In some cases the whole airplane is pink, sometimes just some parts of it or the interior. Liveries for Longitude are the worst. This means that some of the textures are missing or incompatible, doesn’t it. It seems to be too difficult to go thru all my liveries. What else can I do? Is there a way to fix this or at least to know which liveries might be the suspicious ones? Or is the problem with my settings, not with airplanes?
  11. Study level GA sounds awkward because there are not so many systems. What would make a C152 or a Cub study level?
  12. A few more just for fun and to give honor to Ron. ENGM to ENZV with ORBX Norway and Airports of Norway.
  13. I´ve had the previous version in my old system. Now I am going to (I have to) install everything to my new pc. If I install the all new 200 AI Ship and Traffic FSX and P3D v2, do I need any other of the older packages?
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