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About B1900

  • Birthday April 4

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    Professional navigator on water

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  1. Its not about gamepads. MSFS sees my analogue POV hat as a gamepad and my $750 flight stick is now useless
  2. I was using AAO and eventually turned to SPAD as I found the UI to be much easier to follow. It also gets more powerful as time goes by. Theres a lot of things that SPAD can do you won't ever find - its that deep. I am currently using stream decks and X-Touch mini (my AP). I use the Stream decks for mainly overhead buttons on TP's and RJ's. Theres also help close at hand on their Discord. Jon
  3. So I am creating my Ortho's at 17 and the bmp's look great but when in P3D (specifically Greece in this case) they look horrible - like 14 in (the other sim we don't talk about) lol. Am I doing something wrong? Jon
  4. Read the first 5 pages of this. You likely didn't select the tile
  5. Thats because a lot of your tile is water. If half the tile is water it'll take half the time. ZL 17 is very high for a complete tile Jon
  6. Sounds like you're using Orth4XP, not Ortho4 P3D
  7. Me too Jon
  8. Hints will get me banned from the Forum Jon
  9. My GNS is updated to 2020 lol

    1. Bert Pieke

      Bert Pieke

      Yup.. 1913 data is now happily expired..

  10. I am now updated to 2020 (Navigation). If you want something bad enough, you can find it.
  11. If you look to the top of the page you will see that I have done to to 2018. READ my post.
  12. For everyones benefit I updated my GNS 530 V2 last night to the "2018 database" It was quick and easy without renaming anything or playing around with files. Simply download and drop. Read RXP's Pres posts and listen to what he is saying. You will find what your looking for (took 3 hours). Jon
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