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About Ither

  • Birthday 11/29/1981

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    Neptune Beach, FL

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  1. 1.4.3 - SU8 I am getting intense right turn on idle power/taxi without any pedal input (no other plane does this.) On take off roll I have to give full left rudder to stay centered.
  2. I really wish they'd stop doing whatever it is they do -- the latest update (1.6.3) bricked my 3D integration of the 750 again. I'm finding the waypoints are not populating sim/cockpit2/radios/indicators/gps_nav_id (even with the option update simulator GPS waypoints.) Bugs me out as this plane is very nice with the 750. PS. I didn't post on the XA forum because they are not receptive to a 750 (because they all use Mac's.)
  3. I can't seem to get this to work. I ran it on 1 tile; got bunch of autogen files in textures; load it up in P3D V4 and nothing -- all I get is the ortho tile and zero autogen buildings/trees/roads. Any thoughts? I've posted over on ScenProc forum and Arno says my log is fine. UPDATE AH. I figured it out -- it's OSM. I started looking at OSM files that were downloaded for Scenproc and one of them (area where I am at) has literally nothing; no houses, trees, buildings, roads, etc. I then opened another OSM (it downloaded 4 of them) and it had everything; OSM looked normal. I loaded P3D to that airport in area and there were buildings. I'm seeing notice on OSM Java app that they are overloaded--wondering if that's why my OSM data is messed up. UPDATE #2 So. Just 1 tile -- had 4 OSM files downloaded in scenproc_osm_data; 2 of the 4 have zilch -- no houses, buildings, trees while the other 2 do. Any thoughts? Tile I'm doing is +30-082 -- this is Jacksonville, FL which is insanely populated. UPDATE #3 Tried another tile and exactly same issue -- 1 scenproc OSM has nothing in it; 2nd has everything, 3rd nothing, 4th everything. Not really sure what to do at this point. UPDATE #4 It turns out that the issue is folder--at some point it only downloaded 4 OSM files for scenproc; until I deleted folder the Ortho4XP run would just proceed after seeing there are files (instead of realizing there wasn't enough of them.) I deleted folder; re-ran and now I'm up to about 11 OSM files (still downloading sections.) All is well; just need to find better autogen script for Scenproc.
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