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About aerostar

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  1. The - Surface De-Ice - toggle switch just keeps resetting either way it's moved.... on the 414 switch panel... I have also had the issue twice now with the engines inexplicably losing power.... the - EGT - starts dropping and goes to minimum on the scale and the plane gradually descends to the ground with not having enough power... have tried all de-ice switches on (except as per above comment) .. there was no visible evidence of ice.
  2. Hot PC room ??? - solution is right here --- https://i.gyazo.com/2aa2826c73488c9359f0470ae6b98659.jpg-- box in your PC, make a removable window interface board connect the two and buy a PAC (Portable Air Con) unit connect it also and you have a lovely cool room all summer. have a look at the pic and say what u think. - in the PC box a 7" 180mm Silverstone AP181 (5.4Watt -12v x 0.45A) fan directly sealed to the input end of the 125mm Flexi hose.... does a good job of pumping that hot air out... This has just been first run yesterday and there is no additional fed air into the PC box as yet... I intend to monitor and if required will add an input fan. The air is drawn in through an 8" square hole cut in the front door of the box and fitted with a Louvred, dust meshed vent.... the fan seems to be doing ok at the moment. The beauty also is that if I leave the door open then only very little hot air comes out because of the inbound airflow... Now that the UK gets serious heatwaves and the average temps are taking a jump, I say bring it on - I'm ready... lol PS - For the Techno Geeks... I have read a few comments about the thermal laws and flow dynamics and about negative room pressure etc etc etc that suggest this idea is not very good... that's all Hokum... - for me this works and the hot, sweaty, dripping, fidgety uncomfortable flights have evaporated and been replaced by cool, calm comfort.. ...
  3. Was it ! I never knew though that's probably becos I didn't fly it.... I noticed that also the CJ4 weather is working too. Will they be updating the Fenix A320 for working weather and why only some aircraft. Are all the default planes now working ?
  4. have decided to download DCS World.... thanks for your help in deciding. ...was not my intention to upset anyone and I hope MSAsobo get all the software writers they need as soon as they can....
  5. well thanks for all your input... I concede to what I feared and will be downloading DCS World soon.... will still mainly use FS20 for most flying. First though I have to find some time to recover from the thrashing I got from some readers... now where are those bandages...
  6. ....can you have any of the carriers sailing at speed into wind yet ?
  7. message received.... F18's with tailhooks and other carrier capable aircraft are still on the table for carrier ops though with no weapons. I guess that's something....
  8. Thanks... wondering what exactly is the point of a forum set up to discus Flight sim subjects.... I guess I have to keep quiet as you say and just read others posts....
  9. then I wonder if they will allow 3rd party devs to make addons in that military vein as VRS did with Microsoft FSX and P3D. I think the dynamics, physics required would have to be put in place by MS/As to allow 3rd parties a bit of long term stability...
  10. . I am making valid points for improvement... why is that being a troll ? If you don't want replies to your post why not tell us.... I ' DO ' realise that MSFS2020 is not a dedicated Military Sim... I mostly fly airliners at the moment with the Fenix A320, PMDG 737, CRJ 700 and ATR72 being the most often used ones...
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