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About MDFlier

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  1. FT Las Vegas works great after uninstalling the Asobo Strip. Thanks for the tip!
  2. I just did my first flight into KSFO from KLAS in the Fenix. It was a perfect flight from beginning to end. GSX worked perfectly on both ends, including the follow-me car. I've gotta give Mir props on this one. KSFO looks amazing!
  3. I just hope the FT stuff plays well with it. My guess is that the parts of the Strip and city that FT added will be superior to the CU8 parts, so I'm hoping that the FT parts will take priority.
  4. I just hope that there's a slight improvement from FS2020. I remember what we started with. As long as they're a little better, I'll be happy.
  5. My FS2020 installation is only occupying 976MB of the 2TB SSD dedicated to MSFS. MSFS 2020 is located in an "MSFS" top level folder, so I'm just going to install MSFS 2024 in a new top level "MSFS2024" folder. It's supposedly got a smaller local footprint, so I'm thinking that this will work fine. At a later date, and once I have fully switched over to MSFS 2024, I will uninstall MSFS 2020.
  6. Excellent update! Just installed. Gonna do a quick flight in a bit. I knew something big was on it's way from FSDT. Whenever there's a large gap between updates, I start worrying that Umberto's in a body cast in a hospital somewhere. Glad to see he's still alive and kicking. 👍
  7. This part makes me mad as 99% of us have 5 or more CPUs doing basically nothing at all while we were flying. Offload cloud processing to 2 or 3 of those, and wallah! Problem solved.
  8. Did you turn the APU bleed on? I missed that once or twice...
  9. Not at all. It was obvious that PMDG would be modelling the entire MAX series for MSFS on the day that Boeing introduced the MAX to the public. That's like asking, "Wouldn't be funny if Ben & Jerry introduced a new ice cream flavor with a crazy name?".
  10. It says that in addition to many other things. I wasn't speculating as to what the product does because as you state, it is all on their web page. I was speculating about the mechanics of how it was done.
  11. I'm a bit surprised by some of the reactions that I've read here. This will be a day 1 buy for me. Active Sky has been on my "required flight sim addons" list forever (along with AIG and GSX). Damian just delivers. If he says it's in there and that it works, I believe him. I'm shocked that he's been able to keep a lid on it for this long. Didn't Seb (on second thought, it may have been Jorg) say something about "unlocking the weather APIs" a while back on one of the streams? At the time, it made me wonder if they had worked out something with Damian because as soon as I heard him say that, I thought to myself that Active Sky would be coming out soon after they did it. Maybe they did? Do we know for sure that Damian had to 'hack' his way into the MSFS' internals? Is it possible that the APIs were unlocked and AS is simply using them to control the individual weather elements instead of the internal MSFS weather engine doing it? A comment on the interface. It's perfect for what it is. I don't think I ever needed to access it during a flight. I only used it to set things up before the flight. Most of the time, it was left in live mode. I only used the interface if I specifically wanted to play around in a snowstorm or thunderstorm on a given day. It's been a couple of years, but I don't even remember having to mess with it to do a flight with historical weather. IIRC, Simbrief took care of that. The simple fact that the interface is the same gives me hope that the product itself will be substantially the same as it was. It worked great as it was. All I ever wanted was for it to move over to MSFS. I do not think the MSFS weather engine is all that bad for a default simulator weather engine. Asobo put in a weather engine that actually does please 80% of the users, and it does a good job for what it is. It's us in the remaining 20% or so that want a weather engine designed by a developer who wasn't also concerned with developing every other non-weather related aspect of the sim at the same time they are developing the weather engine. Can't wait. CCs all have no balance at the moment. Bring it on Damian!
  12. I had a very similar experience (and I'm also using the linker). After the the model update failed to turn the button green, I went into settings and did the verify setup option, which fixed it right up.
  13. I had a similar issue once with a different program. It turned out that I was running MSFS as administrator, and the other program was not running as an administrator. I fixed it by not running MSFS as admin, and I've had no problems ever since.
  14. The presence of a padlock icon on hard drives in the Windows 10 File Explorer indicates that the hard drive has been encrypted using BitLocker or Device Encryption programs. Are you (specifically, your username on the computer) the owner of the files?
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