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  1. Thank you very much. I have already purchased it. I want to ask again because I have two residences and both have aviaServer installed. Can I activate the serial number on two computers? Of course, the two computers will not be used at the same time. Thank you.
  2. hi mark I have already purchased the PMDG737 cdu for MSFS2020 and the AS A318-A321 MCDU for P3D PMDG737 MCDU PMDG777 MCDU PMDG747 MCDU QW787 MCDU QW787 EFB If I buy the PMDG777 cdu for MSFS2020 now, do I need to bundle the other two cdus? Can't I buy them separately?
  3. Setup detected an error .the Garmin Trainer installer missing from either: C:\ProgramData\Reality XP\Common\GtnTrainer\GtnTrainerSetup_3.2.3.0.exe
  4. I imported the script for FENIX320, do I also need to reassign various values? Because all the buttons don't work either
  5. The heading, altitude, speed, and V/S on the plane are also not available, right?
  6. fenix320 fsuipc lina is the latest version, enter the game, open FSUIPC and Linda one minute after loading the plane. Speed, altitude, heading, V/S are displayed on the FUC. But turning the knob on the plane doesn't respond, what's going on?
  7. Assigning to PMDG PED ENG1 idle and PMDG PED ENG2 idle is not working, this is why
  8. Here „MIDI mode“ is global midi mode" or "aircraft midi mode"? But "airplane midi mode"? Invalid click
  9. Been thinking about the text and graphics of this document for the past few days, translated it countless times, but I really don't know how. This step is very confusing and unclear. My Logitech flight switch panel and flight multifunction panel do not work with the FWB320 of the MSFS2020. Is there a more detailed explanation?
  10. 我在 simmarket 上购买了 LORBY - AXIS 和 OHS V2 FSX P3D MSFS,我下载了 vritolorbyaaobridge,我的 VRInsight MCP Combo II 现在完美支持 MSFS2020 中的 FWB320。非常感谢! 我还有两个外设,罗技飞行开关面板,飞行多面板。 我卸载了MSFS_Plugin_x64_Software(罗技驱动),启动sim,启动AAO。启动webapi,在Hardware下拉菜单中,勾选“saitek planel enabled”和“Ignore simelectric power”选项,并关闭EPM。结果,起落架、襟翼和所有电灯开关都失效了。. 我该怎么办? 另外我想改一下罗技飞行开关面板、飞行多面板上的一些按键的用途,比如FWB320上的启动APU、雨刷开关、禁止吸烟、系好安全带等。支持告诉我可以转在 MIDI 模式下,但没有告诉我进入“全局 MIDI 模式”或“飞机 MIDI 模式”?或者我是否必须安装 SPAD.neXt 才能正常工作。谁能帮帮我,让我的罗技飞行开关面板和飞行多面板在MSFS2020中实现FWB320的起落架收起、襟翼收起和各种灯开关。谢谢
  11. I started using FCU and MCPII in 2014 and LINDA helped me a lot. Because VRInsight stopped the driver update from July 2016, FCU and MCPII could not be used for a long time, and then I found Linda, so lucky. It works fine. But recently suddenly found that when the FCU and MCPII turn the knob, the data for altitude and heading jumps, and sometimes the data is reversed. Found joeherwig's article in Linda Support, I'm trying to buy a precision electrical contact cleaner. Remove the hex screws for the FCU, MCPII, and LINDA panels. Remove the panel and spray the cleaner on the knob. Strange things happened. Knob data results are very smooth. Much smoother than before. So I suggest. In my case, don't rush to replace the knob. Best to try an electronic cleaner first, since I didn't get a Kontakt 60, I used the alternative Lectro Kleen,. Many thanks to joeherwig for sharing.
  12. @ScotFlieger Many thanks to ScotFlieger. I'm eagerly looking forward to the new version of Linda for the FWB A320
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