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About B777ER

  • Birthday 02/07/1971

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  1. Confirmed on Orbx Discord it’s for both MS2020 and MS2024.
  2. Very suspect they don’t put what sim(s) it is compatible with.
  3. Regarding DLSS integration into MSFS with its plethora of glass panels, Asobo is pathetic. They gaslighted everyone during that dev stream Q&A when asked about it specifically and said they look into it. Years later and here we still are.
  4. If you enjoy blurry glass panels, sure. I tired DLSS4 setting DLSS-DLAA and still had blurry glass panels on Fenix and PMDG. Still not good enough, back to TAA. Shame because Asobo is not talented enough to fix this issue apparently.
  5. The joys of having MS decide what you get to use after you paid for it. /s
  6. Image quality is pretty good with DLSS4 and setting MSFS2020 to DLSS-DLAA. I’m on 4k 77” OLED, most setting at ultra with HDR on and using a 4090 to push it. Performance is better for me on TAA. And I don’t get the ghosting that is still present with DLSS4 on planes like Fenix and PMDG. If you fly only GA non glass panels than DLSS4 is the way to go.
  7. The ghosting on the Fenix displays, especially the PFD is what turned me off. The flight director bars ghosting on turns, the speed tape, etc....
  8. Still too much blurring of the glass displays of the Fenix and PMDG with DLSS-DLAA, everything below that is even worse. But if you like that sort of stuff, sure....
  9. I got DLSS4 working on MS2020 earlier today (confirmed with the reg hack) and using DLSS-DLAA was okay but still ghosting on the Fenix. Mind you I’m on a 4k 77” OLED LG C3 with a 4090 so things are darn near 1:1 ratio so I notice everything. I find TAA much crisper and easier on performance with frame gen on in DX12. So I reverted to previous driver and back to TAA.
  10. Well, I have confirmed through the reg hack that I am running DLSS4. Tried DLSS-DLAA which wasn’t bad to be sure but I find TAA to be still much crisper. I’m on a 4090 for reference. I’m with @Richard Sennett , gonna roll back to 566.36 and just get on with it set at TAA.
  11. Meant to ask, what are the two orange DLSS tweaks? How does one go about trying those 2 settings? I am finding that DLAA is just bit too much on performance. I’d rather step down to one of those than going right to Quality.
  12. Thanks for this, perfect! I'm going to bookmark this one.
  13. What is the general consensus with DLSS v4 setting, Quality, DLAA, Balanced or one of the Performance ones? I am using Quality right now.
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