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  1. Hey, also the dome light dial isn’t working on overhead panel too. Cheers
  2. Hi Mark, Just wanted to put on your radar that the overhead is missing the “IFE/PASS SEATS” button next to cabin/utility Also the resolution of the overhead seems very low, is there anyway of improving the graphic? Just very outdated now? cheers
  3. You can buy individual or multiple license through the aviserver application. Just tick as many or as little as you want. For me I selected MCDU and Overhead, but you can just chose the 1 if that’s all you need.
  4. Hey there, just wondering if you would consider doing a MCDU file for the 777? Thanks
  5. With the release announced now, have you heard anything? With the 737 you managed to support it on release 😄 would be amazing if that can happen again
  6. Do you planning on support the MSFS version of the 777 when it releases like you did with the 737? cheers
  7. I think the latest update for the 787 on the sim update beta has broken the fmc display. Just something to be aware of, understand it's still beta
  8. Man I don't know if my computer was playing up or what but I deleted all past versions from my downloads folder and then downloaded in edge instead of chrome and then boom it has the zzz. so so strange, I don't know what that was about. Thanks for your help
  9. The 747 one has the zzz but not the 787 one. Can you please double check because I feel like I’m going mad haha
  10. I’m definitely downloading the right one but they look exactly the same. Doesn’t have a zzz in the folder name. You sure the files are correct on the website?
  11. Tried putting zzz in front but made no difference
  12. do I need to put zzz in the folder name because mine doesn't have that?
  13. Nah I see all the buttons etc just not the CDU screen Tried chrome and edge Yep in the beta with the AAU2 Can you confirm the zzz folder? the one that comes with the webpage zip? Yes running as admin
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