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About d.tsakiris

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  1. I think I encountered the same problem with a photo-real add-on for Crete...
  2. Sorry, can't help at the moment. PF3 is refusing to connect to MSFS. Something about taxi data. I've rebuilt the database a number of times, but the error message stays. Have to look into that.
  3. Hi, I can try to reproduce this, but it will be a few days. So, BAW 353, stand 8, EGNM-EGPF, any old flight plan with NELSA 3W departure (NELSA3W in PF3)? I don't have the PMDG, so I guess I'll use the Asobo Airbus.
  4. Hi Gerald, I assume MCE versions and newer come with this new Simco64_Ldr?
  5. Hi, in PF3 3.22, an interesting function was added. From the version history: It would be great if MCE (FO or no FO) could interface with this function! P.S.: There are more changes, for example concerning requesting a runway change, that might be of interest to you 🙂 Edit: Hotkeys 3 through 6 have also been changed functionality-wise...
  6. Seems there are also P3D products on sale (ENTO, AYPY, ...?)
  7. Exactly what I think, except replace FSHud with PF3.
  8. In my opinion: Some are almost there. The English voices need some tuning (if possible), they sound more like public announcements than ATC transmissions. The non-English voices aren't good. They just pronounce English words as if they were their language, which a) is partly incomprehensible and b) often doesn't sound realistic at all. That depends. At the moment, I think BATC has the best approach concerning voices: Good voices for a single purchase, and optionally even better voices that have to be paid for according to usage. Also important: Radio static and adverse and squelch effects, which are partly already implemented.
  9. So...I just had another 635ish MB update (Steam version), and the sim is just starting up...the Dune stuff is gone, but the window-resizing is back...
  10. That seems to have done the trick! Both the MCE FO and me are now "heard" again by PF3.
  11. Thanks Gerald. Can I test the new file with my existing installation of
  12. I reverted back to, and everything MCE and PF3 is back to normal.
  13. So, no more view changes, but since I updated to, MCE doesn't work properly anymore. It's keypresses don't seem to register with PF3. My own keypresses are registered. MCE also reads back PF3's instructions perfectly. It just seems to be MCE's keypresses into PF3 which don't work. Anyone else seeing this? Oh, the frequency changes originated from the sim's own ATC. It seems a Ctrl + Shift + 1 will select the ATC option 1 ("[TUNE ...GROUND ON ...]"), even though the key press for that is defined as just "1" 🙄 Edit: I noticed PF3 now has an additional hot key that can be defined, it's to ask for descent. I defined that key shortly before I updated MCE. Maybe that's a clue...?
  14. Affirmative. I've just updated, from to Will report.
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