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Blind Pilot

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About Blind Pilot

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  • Birthday 10/04/1964

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    Girard Pennsylvania
  • Interests
    I am blind and my interests are as follows: I work with a guide dog, I am a ham operator and I love flying via FSX and IYP. If I had the chance, I would go to ISS Alpha in a heartbeat. We owe so so much to our space program. I now know with my interests that if I were sighted I would have had a career in the air and just might have earned my 1,000 hour certification for tht CDR and or PLT slot. I love computer games. I also read quite a bit as well.I don't know if this would count or not. But the Va that I fly for is the IYP VA.

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  1. Hello from the Blind Pilot. I have my copy of fs 2020 via steam. I've tried e-mail Jorg since the beginning of 2024 with no success, so I thought I'd try writing to this list. Like I stated I purchased my copy of fs 2020 via steam. I've uninstalled and reinstalled fs 2020 until I'm blue in the face. No matter what I do, when I launch fs, it come up in the option mode and I can't access the main screen, I can't access the world golbe to select a aircraft to fly nor can I file a flight plan. Can anyone help me out with this? Also, if FS can't get fs 2020 to be accessible for we who need to see via our ears since our eyes don't work, how are they going to make fs 2024 to be accessible? I miss the good old days of fsx. If anyone can help me out, Now I thought Jorg and the team were going to take our input seriously, since we had roud table conference phone calls, but it isn't looking like it. We've tried to show the team why their bright idea of having their own built in screen reader isn't working. But it's like, don't call us, we'll call you and don't hold your breath while waiting for us to get in touch with you. This is sad. I thank all who can maybe help me out. Ron AKA the Blind Pilot
  2. So, would we have to purchase active sky again as well? OR, can we simply just upgrade our active sky weather? Many thanks and I will be taking a look at the link. Many thanks Ron
  3. Hello from blind flight simmer pilot Ron Kolesar. Just was curious to know why for we who already have p3d couldn't just upgrade without having to purchase another flight sim? So, I always like to see which companies will offer a demo to stress test out the product before buying it. Many thanks. Ron AKA the Blind Pilot
  4. As a Blind flight simmer pilot, I could care less about all of the fancy graphics, since I need to see with my ears, since my eyes don't work. The small but growing blind flight simmer community takes flying as seriously as our sighted fellow flight simmer pilots can take advantage of with their normal vision. It matters about how close to the realistic world the flight sim is. I mean by sounds both inside and outside of the aircraft both on the ground and in the air. Maybe for some small additional sounds, let's have airport sounds both inside and out that one would see and ear while wondering through the airport to catch their flight. Meaning pa announcements and so on, just for starters. Then the weather sounds must be as close to the real world as possible. Then ground support, each ground support vehicle engine could have a different sound. That we with time and practice, we could tell what's coming at us. Then let's get down to the FAA rules and regulations. In short, if a sighted FAA certified pilot has to do something, then we too must perform that item on each checklist in the proper order as well. So, I look forward to P3D 6. I had installed p3d 5.4 two days ago, unlike every time before, the install gave me big ones. This time it went in like a knife through butter. I think it w as because I threw it up on the desktop and installed it from that folder from the desktop. Also, via a screen reader user to interact with my computer, my home FBO is Erie Intl, AKA KERI. Before it would change on me on it's own. But this time it stayed on the settings that I wanted to be set on. Also, it recognized my DF7X private G.A. Aircraft that I flew in the FSX days, which even though installed where all of the aircraft are to be installed at inside fs 2020, when I would load fs 2020, it wouldn't show the df7x in the list of aircraft to select from to go flying in. My question is this. right now I have a partial flight plan. I have my departure as KERI. But I can not find the area and or button to click upon to set up a destination to fly to. If anyone can help me with this, I'd deeply appreciate it. Also, if there's any other BVI Pilots that monitor this list, I'd appreciate some help on what to turn on by checking the box and to what to leave off by leaving the box unchecked. But one nice thing in the latest version of P3D 5.4, is that I went to change aircraft, and now have my DF7X private aircraft with the Pittsburgh Steelers Football team paint job on it. Also, for the pwoers behind p3d. It would be nice when building/filing a flight plan that the following could be done to assist us in building/filing our flight plan. It doesn't matter which aircraft you're flying in or where you're flying from and or too. But say you give the name of the airport or it's ICAO for Erie Intl of KERI, to say Detroit Michigan, KDTW. If you were to tell the sim that that's where you're starting from and where you want to end up at and give the name of your aircraft that you're going to fly, the sim could give you back what your cruising alt should be. Now we all know if you're flying east, the level alt should be a odd number and if you're flying west, the level cruising ALT should be a even numter. But how can you program waht the ultimate Level cruising alt should be? The flight plan could spit that info out for us while we're building/filying our flight plans to assist us. This would help plentty. For those who can help me out, I can be reached at: kolesar16417@roadrunner.com I'm on the east coast time line and I'm in the north west corner of the State of Pennsylvania. I'll only give out my phone number to those who write me back privately by the above address. Here's wondering what the flight sims will bring in their upgrades after theflight sim convention at the end of this month. Very Thankfully Yours, Ron Kolesar AKA The Blind Pilot and in the real world a ham radio operator by the call sign of KR3DOG
  5. Well, I know everyone is getting ready for the huge flight sim convention coming up in June. I'd like to see what the sims brings back from the flight sim convention. If P3D will be juming for a upgrade of version five, or to version six. I hope that they're more accessible to we who need to use a screen reader/synthesizer to interact with our computers. I'd also love to see a Dassault Falcon 8 X or for short a DF8X for this rich playboy flight sim pilot. LOL. I miss the good old days of FSX. So, there you have my two cents on this topic. Ron AKA the Blind Pilot. And in the real world Blind ham radio operator call sign of KR3DOG
  6. For one, I don't like fs 2020. Unlike it's predecessor FSX, fs 2020 is not accessible to we who need to use a screen reader program to interact with our computer. So, I can't wait to see what p3d v6 has to offer to we the blind. Also, for we rich playboy flight sim pilots, here's hoping that someone can design a Dassault Falcon 8X. In the real world the DF8X is the successor to the older df7x. Why would one want to upgrade to the newer 8x? 1. it's newer. SMILES. 2. The fuel is 35 percent more efficient onbord the 8x over the 7X. 3. The DF8X flies 500 NM further than the DF7x. I have a awesome Pittsburgh Steelers football tem paint job on my 7x that I'd love to revise if someone could help me out. Very Thankfully Yours, Ron Kolesar
  7. Hey Ray. Many thanks for the link. I'm off to the local Erie County Y.M.C.A. to take my aquatic fitness class and to swim my seventy-two laps which makes a 5,280 foot mile swim. So, I thank you for the link, and when I get back home later, I will repost the letter. Many thanks once again. Ron U.S. Emergnecy Certified Licensed radio operator and also licensed ham radio operator, both by the call sign of KR3DOG
  8. I'm about to down load and reinstall p3d this coming Saturday. If there will be a upgrade or improvement on version five? Here's hoping that the program will be more accessible to we who need to use a screen reader to interact with our computers? Here's hoping that it will work with th e additional add on programs that we who need to see with our ears since our eyes don't work want to enjoy flying as well. This rich playboy is going to reinstall his free ware Dassault Falcon 7X with his Pittsburgh Steelers Football Team paint job on it. Here's hoping that someone will go out to the dassautl web site and grab the stats for the DF8X and strip the df7x down to it's source code and build a df8x for we rich playboy BVI Pilots. Why would one want to upgrade from a df7x to the 8x? 1. the 8x can fly 500 nm miles further than the older 7x. 2. The fuel is 35 percent more efficient onboard the 8x over the 7x. Yes, the 8x is only a small $60,000,000.00 and will cost the pilot roughly $5,000.00 per hour to fly her. But this was my favorite plan3e in the older good old days of the FSX days. The main added on program that we need these days is a free program called Talking Flight Monitor. You can find videos of Talking flight monitor out on you tube and at the following web address: www.talkingflightmonitor.com The team also will except and appreciate any help from anyone who knows how to write code to help them to make flying as close to the real world as possible. So, that's my two cents worth on this topic. Ron Ham Radio Station by the call sign of KR3DOG
  9. Many thanks for this heads up notice about the new update. Will wait for a few days and will keep a eye out for the upgrade. Just to let you know, until FS 2020 becomes accessible to we who need to use a screen reade for voice output to interact with our computer, I unfortunately will have to continue to use p3d. Every time I tried to fire up MCE with P3D v5.3, which is the latest version, I kept receiving the error message that MCE will only work with FS 2020, and or FSX, and not p3d. I hope this was fixed. It will be ince to have keyboard interfacing with MCE. Because we can use the key to the right of the number one to switch back and forth between flight mode and User Input mode, but from that point on, we never ever could tweak any of the settings that were under the U.I mode. So it will be nice hopefully via keyboard interfacing to be able to have a female co-pilot/first officer and so on to make MCE even more accessible, and at the same time to making flying as close to the real world as possible. With deep appreciation. Ron Kolesar AKA The Blind Pilot
  10. For tech support. Hello, from Ron Kolesar, AKA The Blind Pilot. I've tried clicking on the link on the web site and nothing happens. Would love to have a link so that I can update my version of MCE. Very Thankfully Yours, Ron Kolesar `kolesar16417@roadrunner.comAsking a MCE update question.
  11. Well, when I go down through the wizard, I get to what is it step eight and I read back the command speed 240, she hears me and she uses the voice command back at me understood. So, she is hearing me. But is there a default PTTbutton that MCE uses? Because I try the voice command who's my co-pilot, what's the weeather and so on with no luck. Now I am using p3d and not fs, since fs still isn't accessible for we who need to use a screen reader to interface with our computer. Also, the MCE U.I also isn't accessible to we who use a screen reader as well. Many thanks. Ron AKA The Blind Pilot
  12. It's looking like I finally have everything set up. But still for some strange reason when I give the voice command like are you onboard clide, or who is my co-pilot, MCE can't hear me. I think if I can solve this rinkle, I'll finally be able to fly within p3d. Any and or all advice will be deeply appreciated. Ron kolesar16417@roadrunner.com
  13. Many thanks. I now that's to your advice and the internet to find the program data folder have P3D finally installed. One question though, I have my Dassault Falcon 7X GA private aircraft installed. Where can one find the airlines.cfg file for p3d? I cannot find it anywhere to update the cfg file. Many thanks. Ron who might be soonly back in the air at long last after all. LOL
  14. For my fellow p3d v 5.3 pilots, from blind client Ron Kolesar. For some weird reason when I go to launch p3d v 5.3. I kep receiving that p3d cannot run without a valid sceenory. Then I get the aboart option. Now I just tried to install p3d once again and launched it, and I still have the above error message. Now, I make sure that it is complete out of my computer before installing the program, even down in the documents folder and also under appdata and from my c drive. I can install the program, I can plug in my unlock info. But as soon as I go to launch it from run as administrator, I get the above error message. Can anyone help me out? I can be reached at: kolesar16417@roadrunner.com I'm on the east coast time zone. If anyone here in the states wants to try? ship me a private e-mail and I'll give you my phone number so we can talk. Many thanks in advance. Ron Kolesar AKA the Blind Pilot
  15. Hello to you FS ++, from Ron AKA The Blind Pilot. I wait for that you tube demo with voice and or keyboard commands to interface with FSX. I've sadly purchased gsx for p3d and can't do anything with it. Also, I was told that after SU 10 for FS 2020 is finished, there will be a fs 11, and that finally accessibility features will be written into fs 2020. Because, I still cannot get MCE to work with p3d. No matter what I do, I cannot get MCE to work with p3d. Also,maybe someone can answer the following question. I'm currently using p3d v5.3, MCE for my co-pilot/first officer and I also have FSFO installed but can't do anything with it either. But my favorite aircraft that this rich playboy flight simulator pilot loves to fly is the Dassault 7X until he can get his hands on a Dassault 8X. I have a awesome Pittsuburgh Steelers paint job on my DF7X as well. I'd love to revise my paint job, but can't find someone who knows how to use the windows program paintbrush to help me out. I was able to down load my DF7X from the free down load library from the fly away simulation web site. My problem is this. I can hear my three engines humming. But I can't hear anything else. No radio traffic, no clearance delivery, no groun and no tower traffic. I'd love some help on this issue. If at all possible. Is it that the DF7X that I have not accessible to p3d v5.3? Well, I guess that I'll have to wait until the Microsoft flight team releases su 11 for fs 2020 befire this BVI Pilot will be able to get off of the ground and enjoy to fly once again. To all that try to help me, I thank you in advance. Ron who just renewed his ham radio license for another ten years of service.
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