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Balint Szarka

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About Balint Szarka

  • Birthday 03/04/1994

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  1. Hi @FS++ I am aware that the A380 was just recently added to the supported plane’s list. So I thought I will try and make my own scripts for it. Turns out, there is a lot of things I can’t script based on the available commands.dat file. I tried to follow the official A380 FCOM to get the FO to accomplish the electrical power procedure but the program is not aware of the individual batteries the 380 has. Let me put in a list so it’s easy to see what’s missing or not working: - battery one (it only can turn BAT 1 on if “master battery” command is used but that turns on BAT 2 too) - essential battery (missing) - external power one, two, three, four (missing) - “ground power on” doesn’t do anything, and the A380 has a sequence in which external power has to be turned on - so it’d be better to have command “external power one on”, “external power two on” etc. - engine master one, two, three, four (missing) - ecam display electrical (wrong) - it displays the hydraulics page instead. - ecam display hydraulic (wrong) - it displays the door page instead. - ecam display engine (wrong) - it displays the bleed page instead. - ecam display bleed (wrong) - it displays the apu page instead. - ecam display apu (wrong) - it displays the elec dc page instead. - ecam display aircon (wrong) - it displays the fuel page instead. - ecam display fuel (wrong) - it displays the press page instead. - ecam display pressurization (wrong) - it displays the cond page instead. - ecam display doors (wrong) - it displays the wheel page instead. - ecam display wheels (wrong) - it displays the flight controls page instead. - ecam display flight controls (wrong) - it displays the C/B page instead. So to sum up: all the ECAM pages are displayed wrong. - “nav lights on” command (wrong) - it turns on both NAV lights & Logo lights to ON. - cockpit door open & close (missing) I do have the latest version, full reinstall. So far these are the items I found not to be working, or working incorrectly. I wonder if these could be fixed. Thank you.
  2. Couldn't agree any more 😉 I don't know why they felt the urge to change things that were actually good. They should rather focus on fixing things that were carried over since the NGX from early P3D days. Many of which are still present in the MSFS version.
  3. I think though that the improved sounds are a lot better than PMDG's own sounds. For example for some strange reason when PMDG re-made their 737 line for MSFS from P3D they changed the trim sounds. And I have to say that their P3D sounds for the trim were so much more real. This one that is currently in the 737 is just not how the real one sounds at all. Especially when one only trims a short burst, the trim barely sounds and I think it's a bit off. But this sound pack seem to do a lot better job. One single word that would best describe this pack is that it is a lot closer to real life than PMDG's one. What I meant to say previously is that in the F/D you can only hear so much of the plane. I think many people would be surprised how little you hear from your engines, fuel pumps, hydraulics especially during flight from in the flight deck. On the ground with the F/D door open and L1 door open you hear of course more but it is not that much as some sound packs or PMDG's would make you believe. I think though this sound pack is quite good apart from the engine noise I have explained and not wishing to elaborate on any further to avoid heavy opinions here 😅
  4. Atmospheric conditions can do a lot to how sound comes through. Fenix simulated that nicely. As I said in the previous pages, sometimes you can come across a 737 that has weird sounds, including likely old engines, hissing seals, weird noises that no one knows where they come from but to me this engine sound might be under very specific conditions and maybe on some aircraft...
  5. The in-sim demonstration of the takeoff sounded quite a bit different, a lot closer to an IAE engine rather than the 737's CFM's. But look everyone to their own.
  6. Okay then let me ask you something. Did you sit in the 737 for 7384 hours over a period of 10 years? Facing the engine on approximately 4 sectors a day? Over 5 days a week? No doubts that the pilots they asked to give their input to make their sound pack did their best to help them but that buzz saw is still unlike any 737 I sat in. The lows and mediums are spot on, only those highs (buzz saw, the thrust reduction and acceleration) is like no 737 at all. Otherwise this pack is very solid, and no need to get very offensive on anyone giving constructive criticism.
  7. Not just you. I am with you on that. I think it's very exaggerated.
  8. Each to their own. Here are some random videos I found on YouTube to demonstrate the DC locks latch close on takeoff in the over-wing exits. It's something I payed attention a lot to while securing the cabin as the locking, unlocking sounds gave it away that we are about to roll (as many time I had flight crews doing the config check from stand still) and letting the aircraft accelerate a tiny too fast making me loose my balance, so I got into the habit of holding onto a seatback when I heard the locks go locked, unlocked. Please note that PMDG's simulation of how fast do the engines go from idle thrust to higher thrust is very very unrealistic (though they improved it I recall, but still far away from how slow the real thing is. That's why in the real thing you don't have the thrust go high in a split second and you don't gain any speed by doing a fast config check, before the engines had time to accelerate) Listen carefully at minute 3:40 in this video, you will hear a mechanical lock, latch closed: or here in this video at 16:49:
  9. You don't hear as much from the aircraft in the flight deck as you do in the cabin though. Of course in the F/D you have the equipment cooling noises, the standby instruments (if fitted), the rushing air around the windshield, the PACK's, and the bit of the engine noise too. But in the FWD galley as well as in the F/D (though a little bit less audible) you hear the nose landing gear during retraction, as the nose landing gear rubs against the nose wheel spin brakes. The hissing door seals during climb and descent, the engine's roar during takeoff is really prevalent in the FWD galley too. To a trained ear you even hear the slats and flaps extend into the airstream making quite a different noise in the front as the air hush in a different way - it's what I used as a clue for myself after a go around to know where are the pilots in the sequence (with their SOP's and flap retraction) and to know when to call them without disturbing their flows. For the flaps and slats: you don't really hear flap torque tubes driving the flaps up or down so much. You do hear them though closer to the over-wing exits. At the over-wing exits you really hear those fuel pumps, hydraulic pumps. When the flight crew does the config check and you sit nearby the over-wings you hear the over-wing exits latch close and open as they advance the throttle levers beyond a certain thrust lever angle. And the cherry on top, every aircraft sound a bit different, the engine roar would be something quite different from one to another - probably based on their lifecycles and the couple of thousands of hours in them; (a) door(s) might be hissing on one aircraft the whole flight while another would would clearly stop hissing around 10000 feet-ish making it a lot less loud in the front. Some AFT doors would have the same behaviour too. You would sometimes even hear the outflow valve open close in the back. These noises are all very prevalent in the cabin, but not so much in the flight deck. Just a cabin crew's 2 cents.
  10. God it's amazing, I just really don't know where they got that buzzsaw sounds from. That's really unlike the 737. The rest is perfection, really amazing work. The APU start is really like how it represented. If one ever stands in the AFT galley when the APU starts you really hear that electrical whining as the APU inlet opens up, and the click click click sound before the APU starts up. The flap extension is spot on too, and so many other things...
  11. Oh sorry, I really hate how things don't come through text like in real life haha 😁 Sorryyyy, my apologies. I interpreted it wrong...
  12. I mean it in this video they sound a bit loud. But look it might be just the way it comes through.
  13. I don’t doubt the sounds so much in the flight deck. Maybe the Packs sound a bit too high. I find the engine roar sound a lot more like a IAE engine from an airbus when on a high setting rather than the CFM 56-7.
  14. Sorry if it makes people feel like I know everything, I simply don’t. I was just sharing my experiences from when I was working on the 737 as cabin crew. Please see my previous post.
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