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About Greggy_D

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  1. It’s weird how they minimized new releases. They were pumping out aircraft every 2-3 months on P3D.
  2. Did PMDG forget the absolute cluster bleep the 737-700 release was? They took all their systems offline for quite a while and users could not purchase anything. People waited until the next day or two to purchase because of all the instability and broken flow. PMDG cannot fairly compare Day 1 numbers between the two products. It’s disingenuous to do so. I’d like for them to update their findings after 7 days and compare that number to the 7 day number of the 737-700.
  3. Firefox is getting really bad lately. Each new update seems to break something else. I see it everywhere though. Overall, software development from a quality standpoint is in the toilet compared to 10 years ago.
  4. I’d move to a 5800x3d, instead of the 5800x. Massive performance difference.
  5. The download was super fast on my end. Their servers are looking good.
  6. The S550 was the best out-of-the-box plane/jet Carenado ever released. Everything just worked. I still enjoy flying it, even if it is a bit slow in cruise.
  7. Do you have a link for this? I’d like to dig into it and research a bit. Thank you, sir!
  8. Tropicalsim just released Punta Cana 3 weeks ago on the 7th.
  9. Here are the update notes: Version 1.4.0 (released on 01.08.2024)>>>> – Added new Satellite Terminal. – Added new terminal extension where gate C12 used to exist. – Renamed all gates according to late 2023 charts, including the new International Terminal T gates. – Added gate numbering signs on building walls at all gates. – Added new de-icing pad and taxi routing near T gates (formerly a construction area). – Added more apron lights around the terminals. – Added shuttle buses at new Satellite Terminal. – Removed PAPI lights from runway 20L – Increased length and angle of sequenced flashers on 2R, 2C, 20C. – Removed bump caused by photogrammetry at gate C12 and near the fire station taxiway bridge. – Reduced antenna height on DME.
  10. I haven’t bought for P3D in years. Honestly there isn’t anything left for me to purchase.
  11. I wish I would have known about the kickstarter back then.
  12. What stock cooler? The 5800x3D doesn’t come with a stock cooler.
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