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About cyril972

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  1. I see better performances with the update really happy with it, Fenix is doing an excellant job and I can't thanks them enough. only negative comment is: a bit cumbersome having to update all the livery but wtvr
  2. Like many, I have no problems reading it too, I'm sorry. Concerning the displays brightness, it must be difficult to be a dev because for some (like me) it is really well done and others find it too dark. The balance must be hard to find
  3. Most small GA planes of this category are operated this way, it is a proven design, from the DA40 to the Cirrus SR22 most of them use the same trick. But it is to note that Piper Pa28 family are equipped with rudder trim
  4. No it doesn’t, it has a small surface on the trailing edge of the rudder that can be manually bended on the ground, it work a bit like a rudder trim but you can’t ajust it while in flight. Usually no one ever touch it, it is preset an if you need more rudder trim you can only use your feet
  5. I heard many people say the same as you, but I really dont get it. The freeware option from MS is like miles ahead, the ground texture especially is exactly true to life, the 3d model and object are more detail. take a look at the jetway for exemple, the payware option uses the default jetway when the freeware uses the very same jetway model they use at SXM. The ground marking is also way better in the freeware option, in fact everything is better, the payware as been built with the early sdk and at a time when scenery dev for msfs was still very early and it shows. I think the only reason why some people prefere it is because of the beachers saluting you on landing, it is funny I have to agree, but a part from that, I‘ve been to SXM multiple time since I’m Caribbean and I can safely say that MS and Gaya have done a remarkable job
  6. Would couldn't have described it better, this plane just feel real and alive, not your avarage flight model at all. Funny enough after some pratice this PC12 has become the easiest plane to land at St Barth for me. Also dont forget how great it handle on the ground, you even forget about MSFS2020 ground physics
  7. real life Black Square Black Square Real Life Asobo No the wings in the BS TMB 850 are definitively too thick, compared to real life TBM, but if you also want to copare it with the Asobo, I would say in that case that Asobo model is better when it comes to the shape of the wing, at least it's not too thick I quickly googled for TBM pictures, the angle is not exactly the same, I know but you can compare
  8. Same here, when I loaded it at release I could'nt understand why the nose was pointing rignt when the wind was coming left. Also my landing where..not good at best. But I learned, I searched I practised and now this plane just feel incredible
  9. I hope not having ruined the plane for you...In my case when I see a modeling error, I just can't unsee it. the TBM850 seems cool but this just .... Anway the PC12 is a cooler and more versatile plane, it fly tons of mission around the world and this already amazingPC12 from SWS will only get better
  10. You are not supposed to trim in the green for landing (the green marks are for takeoff, and it’s an agressive right rudder trim to compensate for the engine torque at takeoff power). It’s true that the landing in the PC12 requires practices, but when you spend time learning and get the feel for it everything get very smooth. the flight model in this aircraft is amazing, really and it will only get better oh, no offense to the TBM850 but I can’t stand it’s external 3D model, the wings are waay too thick, at least twice as thick as they should be (I know it’s stupid but🤷🏾‍♂️…)
  11. It’s not an intended behavior, it happens when MSFS transitions from ground physics to air physics (or reverse). They said they’ll try to improve it as much as they can while staying accurate to the real pc12. For now to avoid this wee need to take off as soon as airspeed allow it, landing as slow as we can and apply the correct rudder trim
  12. But there is so much details in the 3D model, it’s remarkable. The cargo door both of the butterfly cockpit door and even the little engine hatch or the parachute handle everything is design as if it was meant to be open and admire but it doesn’t open😢. Hope it comes latter Beside that I looove this plane really, since it came out in the SU14Beta I haven’t flown anything else, from the 3D model to the system and flight model everything is great. It fly accurate to the number and it feels right, the correct nose down attitude on final for exemple. Hand down the best default plane in MSFS to me!!! I customized the flight_model.cfg though to make the nose wheel free castering as in real life and to give it nose UP pitch on the ground like you can see most SR22 having, I’m still fine tuning the suspension and might share it on flightsim.to when I’m happy with it
  13. I think it’s a bit of both, the aircraft is great honestly but has a few annoying bugs, also it was only in ALPHA in the last Beta, the wings, flaps and slat are wrongly modeled and inibuild hasfaced a lot of comment on this on their discord. Lastly their is the Inibuild/FBW drama…..I think Jorg has taken the right decision, the aircraft has enormous potential and really need to comes out when everything is ready, and the legal side is right it will comes back, greater than ever…hopefully soon
  14. Funny enough, I am currently back at school to become an Air Safety Personnel, ATSEP in France, hopefully this job will save me a lot of time for simming and my PPL...Anyway... Today we had a course on "Cloud and legal issues", we are talking about the GPL license, so I ask a question about the MS/Ini and FBW case. I've been told this is very common because developers usually use a lot of online resources that could fall under licensing. They also said that MS was used to these kinds of problems and that a rewrite tool and a code analysis tool were available to deal with problems like these. Anyway, let's wait and see... hope this doesn't cause to much delay
  15. The PC12 is already available to purchase via their website…..so if someone wants to try…feel free. > I thought it was, just verified it is’nt I still buying the SWS PC12 but the Carenado PC12 has comes a long way, with the last update it really is now a good product, certainly underrated …sad for them
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