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  1. ceBiggest problem for me as always with FlightFX is the insistence on being Marketplace only. I understand that the experience there is positive for them as devs but it's still extremely poor as a user 😞 As for the plane itself, it's good though it feels a little like it's been built to hit it's price point (or maybe a delivery window) - for a simple example compare the P-180 EFB with the one from FlightFX's previous plane the M500. In that comparison the P-180s comes off as incredibly bare bones almost lacklustre. So while a more affordable price is not necessarily a bad thing for the general public with a plane this interesting I was hoping for a bit more myself, even if that meant a price closer to the M500's.
  2. The long awaited X-Plane 12 update has been released for the Nimbus UH-1 and it free for Aimee who has a copy of the XP12 version https://store.x-plane.org/Nimbus-UH-1-XP1211_p_1037.html (This is original military version, a similar free update for the civilian version is due to follow along shortly) I've been flying the XP11 version reasonably successfully in XP11 but there have been a number of issues so it's great to finally be able to take up an XP12 native version.
  3. It seems that nvidia are leaning hard on Frame Generation to provide the performance boost on the 5xxx series cards and I'll be honest I'm unconvinced how well that works in flight sims, especially in planes with glass displays rather than steam gagues.
  4. In OrbXs defence on this one, the plane would have been developed while MS still banned weapons on aircraft so it's not that surprising.
  5. I'm curious how accurate the HUD and autopilot are as they are both critical to how the real world planes is flown.
  6. Still no sign of the Da40 release and unfortunately it appears that the price shown in the OrbX Direct app has gone up ~60% from the pricing originally being shown.
  7. I just had a look on the OrbX Direct site and in the App. Both have pages for the plane but the website doesn't have a buy button for it and while the app has an Add to Cart button pressing it just produces a Product not found error. So it isn't available to buy yet, but I would not be surprised if that changes by this time tomorrow.
  8. Is this version for '20, '24 or both ?
  9. X-Plane and MSFS are both good sims The ideal solution is to use both as they have different strengths and weaknesses, but that does come with cost and disk space requirement implications so isn't perfect for everyone.
  10. Not yet, Asobo broke the functionality TDS uses to display the screen in the original '24 release and while they fixed that in this week's release they introduced another bug that messes up the display (it could be worked around by changing the size of the display but that would also require a change in every plane that uses the TDS so isn't a realistic option). So it's back waiting for Asobo to fix the code again. https://devsupport.flightsimulator.com/t/nanovg-api-not-rendering-data-correctly-stretched-blocker-bug/12099/5
  11. A reviews is, by definition, how someone feels about a product. Two different reviewers can come to two different conclusions about a product and both can still be entirely valid reviews.
  12. If you want an external flight model you can just implement it in a WASM module as FlyInside and A2A have demonstrated so as you say dynamically hacking internal variables seems somewhat ridiculous (and open to breaking any time Asobo change anything in the internals)
  13. It's a really good model just at the sweet spot where there's enough automation to make it really approachable but still plenty of opportunity to be involved in the flying. Just Flight seem to be getting better with each release and this one is a triumph in my opinion
  14. Maybe tied up working on remaining issues with the built-in aircraft they created for '24 ?
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