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About Malaromane

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    Ontario, Canada

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  1. I haven't ever used Axis and Ohs so I can't offer an opinion on that but I've been using SPAD.next for quite a while now and have been very happy with it. I absolutely love the fact that I can create profiles (across all of my peripherals) for each aircraft I have and don't have to remember to switch to a different profile in MSFS when I switch aircraft. SPAD.next was well worth the money I spent on it to buy the perpetual license.
  2. Same here. No issues and no prompt for an activation code when I load EGFF.
  3. In addition to the WU17 release, there's a 1.17 GB patch for WU III (the first UK & Ireland update) available in the Content Manager.
  4. I was able to connect to the website and log in to my account just now.
  5. I had to Google "guibal" and the only hits I got on that were for a fashion designer named Manuelle Guibal. So I, for one, have no idea what you are asking. Can you rephrase your question?
  6. I'm intrigued by the WebAPI. Will have to read up on it a bit more. Makes me wonder if it will go deep enough to make browser-based interactive instruments and the like. Could be fun to play with.
  7. XP12.1.1 has been released with a few small bug fixes. It also enables their new Local Web API. Release notes available here: https://www.x-plane.com/kb/x-plane-12-1-1-release-notes/
  8. My apologies, efis. My post was just a lame attempt at humour.
  9. I can see the ground in both of those images. Clearly real life is not a fully working product and, thus, I shall not give it another dime! 🙂
  10. True. The question, though, was about LIDO vs Jeppesen not about Navigraph vs some other service. Ignoring the dated text of the article, the sample images of a Jeppesen and a LIDO chart for the same ILS approach were quite sufficient to allow one to see the difference between the two. At least it was for me. So I thought it was worth sharing in response to the question that had been asked.
  11. I didn't know the difference either so I did some Googling. I found this article that talks about different chart types and there's a pretty good explanation of Jeppesen and LIDO charts about halfway down the page (with a sample KDEN chart in each format for comparison). https://my737ng.com/articles/choosing-your-charts/
  12. So far, it doesn't actually interact with any sim so it's an easy claim to make. Am looking forward to see how things shape up when they add navdata AIRAC updates.
  13. I would say that once AviaPlanner gets their Navdata AIRAC updates service in place, this would be intended as a replacement for Navigraph rather than a supplement.
  14. It looks like a service to keep an eye on. For the moment, I'm happy with my Navigraph subscription but when/if AviaPlanner gets their AIRAC updates in place, if the price remains what it is currently, I'll definitely take another look and consider switching.
  15. That's one of them there fancy new eco-ships! Uses photosynthesis instead of bunker oil.
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