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About alpha117

  • Birthday 09/04/1958

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  1. daft question! So we can now use LINDA for the VRinsight Panel in MSFS 2020? Also is there a MAddog X module, Thanks
  2. What we use in the Maddog and have been for the last few years for Printing CPDLC/ACARS is : Replicates the Maddog RW flight deck printer. Cheap on paper rolls also. Cost : approx $35 Thermal Receipt Printer, 58mm Low Noise Plastic Thermal Receipt Printer Stable Performance for Convenience Stores
  3. ACARS/CPDLC Support Released! (sayintentions.ai) 😀
  4. Update will be out by Thursday next week.....slight delay 😉
  5. Get 10% off (sayIntentions.ai ATC) for the first month...valid until the end of the month (Sept) Use this code : MDCPDLC10 Watch the show :
  6. This might meet your needs? https://secure.simmarket.com/simbitworld-a-random-flight-generator-free.phtml
  7. Maybe this also https://www.dutchvacc.nl/active-runways/
  8. Hi Kevin, Agree but it about setting the prioties during development, because when any ATC developer reads posts/thread like this, they would think that the end users are more interested in AI control and not ATC, making the end product great with AI control but just average when it comes to the USER ATC experience and then the 'moans' start
  9. What about the question about ATC for YOU, isn't that the primary objective? Controlling AI surely comes secondary??? So, it has to be able to : 1. Give correct taxiway route to Active runway 2. Allow intersection departures 3. Hold short if crossing another runway on taxi out and taxi in 4. Use Preferental runways as per real world data 5. Allow arrival and departure runways as AI is using 6. Allow changing of departure; runway SID, vectors 7. Cancel departure if not 'off blocks' on time +/- X mins 8. Give 'random' off course headings (like Radar contact)...keeps you on your toes during cruise 9. How do it handle if you go off course by 'x' miles 10. When does ATC give you your arrival data (STAR, Runway).....before TOD...if so when 11. Does it handle missed approaches back to arrival AP 12. Does it handle missed approaches to Alternate 13. How does it handle 'holding' patterns; 14. Does it 'randomly' give 'shortl cuts instead of flying the complete STAR 15. How does it handle emergencys....to Alternate, back to departure or nearest airport 16 Does it allow route deveation due to weather 17. Does it allow you to change cruise altitude if you so wish 18. Does it allow you to return to depature if you have an emergency....how does it manage that process 19. What emegencies does it understand 20. Use comapany gates on arrival..if they are definded.......maybe reading a user generated file So, if you don't want Beyond ATC to achieve the above items BEFORE worrying about AI control, then perhaps you don't want a GOOD ATC program but a Better AI control program with ATC just tagged on the end Just a thought
  10. It looks like the 'reading of weather data', which is coming in the next MSFS upate is for 3rd party weather radar only, so finally aircrafts will have an 'live' weather on their radars. Other 3rd party programs currently short term and I think also long term the only way to get 'live' weather(Metar and TAF) is via NOAA(which a lot of programs use....as its 'real') or by using the API from REX Weather Force. Will Active Sky ever become 'live' weather for MSFS, good question BUT unless MSFS fully open their weather to 3rd parties then we are where we are I'm afraid. No Active Sky, no OPUS and No FS Global Real Weather; but you never know by the end of the MSFS 10 year devolpment cycle they might and I mean 'might' allow access to their weather. Only time will tell
  11. Thanks, are there Alternates, missed approaches and what happens if you go 'off' route?
  12. good...but how is the ATC control in P3D?
  13. Not BETA testing for me, I've purchased it like everyone else, it was just a thought to help out, that was all. Agree, end users should not BETA test. My question is who is going to 'test' to help move the product forward? Anyway, just an idea
  14. Don't give up yet. Try this flight KGSO > KSBM using FSHub, either import from Simbrief and/or let FSHub generate the route. Give some constructive feedback that will help the devolper Looking forward to everyones feedback Thanks
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