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    Yngsjö, Sweden (near ESMK)

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  1. https://www.avsim.com/forums/forum/819-psxseecontraffic-for-fsx-p3d-msfs/
  2. That’s an MSFS thing, you’re on P3D, right?
  3. I have the very same, so we're good to go! My way of getting there was very simple. Installed the Nvidia app for the first time let the Nvidia app update my driver to 576.12 Rebooted Selected MSFS2020 in the app/Graphics and set the 2 (out of 3) available sections to "Latest" That's all there was to it. Of possible note to why this was utterly painless for me: Always done custom installs of Nvidia drivers, installing only the Graphics and HD Audio drivers Never used GeForce app or NPI previously Keep it simple.
  4. Ian, That's the way I'm leaning right now, we'll see what the coming days bring with DLSS4 officially being launched. I did buy LLS and used it as described in your fine tutorial on a 13-hour flight form EGLL to WSSS, worked exactly as you described (38/114). Of note was the fact that I saw reduced power draw and reduction in ghosting behind AI aircraft. There were some strange thing happening with green taxi lights, both at EGLL and WSSS, though. I'll do some more testing when I have time.
  5. Read the post right above yours, it’s explained there!
  6. Exactly, thought it was just me... Many buildings have melted tops and looks like some of the melted stuff has run down the side.
  7. Those are not the settings for your PMDG profile. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the profile column to edit the profile.
  8. Yes, just create a new profile in LSFG and edit that accordingly.
  9. Your opinion is noted, but given the depth of my pockets I’m regardless getting a 5090 on the 30th, OK?
  10. No need to "read carefully", it was pretty obvious that it was not your words, but - and that's the big BUT - you decided to share it to support your position that Beyond ATC is cr@p ...
  11. That is just not true! It was clear from the beginning that BeyondATC offered 2 tier levels: Basic and Supporter. The difference being that Supporters would get access to certain functionality - such as Traffic - earlier than the Basic level customers. Never, ever was it stated that Traffic would not be made available to all customers. Stop spreading this sort of garbage, please!
  12. Guys, Check this Discord post. Problem is that MSFS2024 comes with a lot of default control assignments for the TCA stuff, check ALL bindings on ALL controllers: https://discord.com/channels/736572376967282769/1318563756019552256
  13. Might well be - but then again, the very post you quoted magically disappeared …
  14. https://discord.gg/86DckwZp Expires in 7 days.
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