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About Micko

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  • Birthday 11/09/1958

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  1. Hi Ian, I can remember how I struggled with Opentrack, bought a lot of tracking devices and was never happy. It was never near to being satisfactory. I ended up buying TrackIr and never looked back. It worked so much better right out of the box, I couldn't believe it. You might be lucky and get advice to tweak Opentrack to your satisfaction, then happy days. If not, don't make the same mistake and spent money for tracking hardware. Also, be aware you need at least 40fps for decent head tracking. TrackIr is available at Amazon, they have a great return policy... OK, I'll leave it to you Good luck Mick
  2. At least the Alphas have a push button at the back of the device to switch the light off in steps.
  3. I had this last weekend, Dr. Google was my friend: https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4407168022418-How-to-get-past-the-Checking-for-Updates-screen
  4. It should work well, I have a few switches working on my Honeycomb Bravo. You can retrieve profiles or snippets online as well.
  5. Here's another approach if you want: https://fshub.io/ Or download Volanta from the Orbx website. Both moving maps with logbooks.
  6. Try this: https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/5410691478172-How-to-fix-loading-issues-after-clicking-Fly-or-Ready-to-fly-button
  7. Maybe this helps: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/guide-set-your-field-of-view-fov/537738 Somebody tried to make the FOV as realistic as possible.. Good luck
  8. If you want to avoid several hours, here is how I reinstall MSFS, worked every time for me: Copy the Official / Packages folder somewhere safe. (Or rename it temporarily) (This is the bulk of the data) Uninstall then re-install MSFS Copy the Official / Packages folder back to where you want it before starting MSFS Start MSFS, when it asks where the data folder should be, navigate back to where you put the Packages folder. MSFS won’t re-download any of the Packages folder. However, it will check for corrupt files and update it if it is out of date. To back up your flight time of all your aircraft, here is the folder: C:\Users\XXXXXX\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\SimObjects\Airplanes I found this advice online a while ago. Good luck Mick
  9. That's how I do it, manually after an announcement on discord. I think. it's the best way.
  10. There's a new build (7.0.2024.0222) available, just give it a go... Forgot this : **FIX LIST:** FIXED – Close button on update window does not close the popup window. FIXED – Message indicator not showing the correct numbers based upon actual news. ADDED – References to new web API end points. ADDED – Screen to show what has been loaded into the simulator. ADDED – Code in automation to run if the time had been missed. Good luck Mick
  11. Hi there, maybe not the same level of animation, but interior is still nicely modelled and check out the price! I do own a few and am absolutely happy with them: https://latinvfr.com/collections/msfs-airports Take care and Happy Holidays Mick
  12. For the Store Version: C:\XboxGames\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Content
  13. This depends on with what application screenshots are taken. Click on Home in Windows Explorer. Windows Game Bar stores them in Videos in a folder Captures. The Pictures folder has a Screenshots folder.
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