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About RobJC

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  1. I cannot wait for this to release. What an amazing aircraft.
  2. That would be money well spent for the experience.
  3. Sorry to hear about your sister. I lost 3 family members last year as well. Hang in there.
  4. I don’t think i have spent more than $50 in the marketplace.
  5. It is issues like these that make many of us less than enamored with 2024. Same team. Same problems.
  6. Does the trailer look good? Yes. But so did the 2020 trailer. The issue isn't vision or commitment. It is execution. For almost 4 years we've dealt with new updates that regularly break existing features or don't fix what they were supposed to fix. Eventually they do get fixed, in most cases, but the process is frustrating at times. Even today we still have issues installing updates. At least some do, some of the time. I like the direction MSFS is headed, and they have created an amazing sim. They deserve credit for that. It is a groundbreaking product. But the road has not been easy, and I see a very similar road for MSFS 2024. All of these new features are going to take a lot of time (and updates) to flush out.
  7. Put the 2020 trailer up against the 2024 version. That is the true comparison lol.
  8. After living through (and continuing to live through) the never-ending beta that is MS 2020 I am going to take a wait and see on this one. I hope they can deliver this time, but they will need to show me this time around.
  9. And that is the frustrating thing about updates. Sometimes no problem. Other times, a mess.
  10. I gave up trying to update. I have much better things to do with my time.
  11. Weather is getting better here in Colorado so time to go outside and hit some golf balls. Beats fighting beta software imo.
  12. I just don't care for the overhead required for so many add-ons. The upside just isn't there for me. The default airports are fine. Default weather is fine. The only thing I really needed was AI traffic and ATC. And with those two what I want probably goes beyond what can be expected from any flight sim out of the box. It really just depends on what you want. Glad there are choices for people who want more, but I am resisting add-ons as much as possible. But to each their own.
  13. I am with you. One of the big selling points of MSFS was not having to run all these apps in the background. I even resist buying airports. Default are fine. Weather is perfectly fine imo.
  14. https://www.ftsimplus.com/msfs2020.html
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