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About ndflieger

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  • Birthday 11/19/1957

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  1. I haven't seen the porpoising motion, yet, as I'm still in cruise flight. However, what I've noticed is I am not getting any TOD indications on the PFD or FMC. Another item is that I'm not getting are any MSFS default ATC voice messages. I've checked on the Inibuilds forums and there are other reports of this. I am getting FS ATC Chatter addon messages. Update: As referenced above, since there were not any TOD indications, I managed the descent with reference to the KONT SCBBY2 STAR. I did not have any problems with A/P engaged during the ILS 26R KONT approach. The landing was hand flown and no issues there as well.
  2. This aircraft had been in my virtual hangar since SU15. Seems that update affected it badly performance-wise. Lots of stuttering/micropauses in all phases of flight. After the Inibuilds update, just now I set up a Simbrief flight KMSP - KLAX in the PW freighter version - just to see how it would perform. The scenery at KMSP was FlightBeam and I was using FSLTL traffic. Weather was current conditions. I must say I was very pleasantly surprised! No more stuttering or micro-pauses on the ground or in the air. I didn't complete the flight, only climbed out to around FL180. I'll do a complete flight this evening. At least on my end, it looks like the update is doing what Inibuilds intended it to do.
  3. In case you haven't heard, the A300 has been updated to V1.1.2 https://forum.inibuilds.com/topic/23487-inibuilds-a300-600r-airliner-v112-update-lets-talk-about-what-this-update-has/?_fromLogin=1#replyForm Edit: Delete, please. Another posted at the same time I did 😉
  4. Does the Asobo bespoke HECA need to be uninstalled to use this product?
  5. I purchased the aircraft during the pre-sale. Like Car147 stated, I also would not have purchased it had I known how TFDi were going to handle the updates/fixes.
  6. My delay ended up being a little over 2.5 hours, that I do consider excessive - even if you do not.
  7. Approx 2.5 hrs after purchase, I finally received the email with the download link. Will attempt to download and install tomorrow.
  8. Same here, coming up on 2 hrs for the download email. Definitely not happy after waiting all day for it to be released. So...now I'm cruising in the WT78X KLAX - KORD. Hopefully, I'll be able to download and install tomorrow.
  9. It's coming up on 45 mins since I made my purchase. Still have not received the email with the download link. I understand they are swamped, but this delay seems a bit excessive.
  10. November 19th release? That will be quite the birthday present for me - that will be the occasion of my 67th orbit around the sun 🙂
  11. I love the A300 and it ran fine under SU14. However, with SU15, I experience continuous micro pauses/stutters with it, no matter the airport. It is also noticeable in flight. I sure hope this is something that they can address. I'm not seeing these issues with other aircraft, such as the Fenix, WT78X or PMDG.
  12. I don’t know about anyone else, but I miss the old school T-Props that were available in FSX and P3D. Here’s my “wish list” of those aircraft I would like to see in MSFS. I know the chances are very slim that any will be developed. So, in no particular order (with the exception of the first two): Vickers Viscount Vickers Vanguard Swearingen Metroliner Fokker 50 NAMC YS-11 Convair 580 Lockheed L188 Hawker Siddeley HS748 There are probably some that I’m forgetting 🙂
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