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  1. ResetXPDR is doing an absolutely amazing job! And all for free while it's a "payware product" quality for sure. Regarding your question, at the beginning I was fiddling with settings too, now I'm simply using it almost at default. I set up FPS i want, min/max tlod and olod, and that's all.
  2. Well, If I`m permitted to say, I`ve always found nice people offering me help here when I`ve been asking for. After all, we`re here to share our passion, not for starting a rude war. Just my two cents of course. On my side, I`ve tried to offer you help about bios, since you flashed it and set it up based on a clikbait video, still waiting to know about your power limits, temperatures, frequencies, what way did you use (llc, manual AC/DC load line, adaptive or fixed offset and so on). Same about BATC cpu/ram usage and so on. But it looks you already decided BATC is cr*ap and bugged. Anyway, I wish you`ll solve it and will have fun flightsimming of course, don`t get this as a personal attack, it`sjust my pioint of view. Being open minded and polite usually helps a lot.
  3. For comparison, at EDDF, with parking at 8, dep/arr at 9, BATC is using between 2.6% and 4% cpu and 1.3gb ram on my system (32gb DDR5 6800). Anyway, by my experience my idea is still the same, if you overclocked and/or set up your bios as in that video, start by fixing that, and running sim+batc with a stable system. Those settings are quite unsafe. You can easily get higer performance and cb points with a stable 5.7/5.8ghz at a max of 1.4v (but may go lower) on a 13900ks, than with higer freqs. You have a good cpu, but requires some work to set it up correctly. Out of curiosity, what temps, core vid and cores freqs do you see in hwinfo during gaming?
  4. Uh strange, maybe yyou can try ltest release, it-s working good removing stutters and fps drops. Out of curiosity I watched the whole video you linked. If you care about your cpu, put back power limits by intel recommendations (307A/245A/253w, or 400/320/320 if you`re going liquid), and check all others settings too. As it is in that video it`s too agressive and may degrade your cpu, good for a 10 mins benchmark maybe, not for flightsims or everyday use. Pushing it to the limits just for some mhz more, or some more points in cinebench, may cause problems in everydays use. You`d can try to monitor cpu cores, temps,gpu use,ram and vram usage with or without batc running, maybe it will help nailing down where the issue is too.
  5. Watched part of that video. I wouldnt use such approach now, expecially with newer bioses and all the story about intel chips degradation. If I`m not mistaken, he still kept unlimited power limits, and quite a high vid. I`d keep a more conservative, safe and stable approach, without risking chip degradation, or making it run too hot and then clipping and cutting frequencies. Back on topic, did you try running autofps app? At least for me, since running triples 4k is quite heavy, made a big difference for having costant fps.
  6. What models/liveries are you using? You could try scaling them from 4k to 2k (both aig and ftl models can do it). How did you setup @target fps@ in BATC? A too high value can impact performance too. On my system, running triples 4k, 14700kf and 32gb ram, i can get 40fps at LFPG with batc traffic sliders between 7 and 9. P.S. Since you say you-ve reflashed your bios, and 13900ks is quite power hungry and running hot, how did you set up power limits, voffset, llc and vid? Too long to write here, but if you left everything default or unlimited, that`s not good. Check for intel reccomendations, then with hwinfo or similar, look at vid, temp, frequencies and such.
  7. They moved it to the WB Sim discord channel. and good news, looks like a new 152 update is in the works. Not sure, but now it should be the same dev of the gauge 172 working on it. Edit: Ops, looks like we posted at the same time 🤣
  8. You can simply crosscheck frequency/temperature and power consumption. That frequency, running so cool even if watercooled, with only 80W of power draw, something is wrong with the reading for sure.
  9. Looks like it's working, just loaded fbw a380 at eddf in 2024, later will try better during a flight. fsautofps+gpuz: Heere is log file: https://jumpshare.com/s/YamEKPfDSAruUpWpfuuq https://ibb.co/nDN29Mb
  10. Without the need of running gpuz, it would be even better! It will be a pleasure to try it. P.S. I live in GMT+1, so if you'll get late answers, it's just because of different timezone.
  11. Sure, here it is: https://jumpshare.com/s/8jjkkxpY2ihsBHoLkauN And thanks again for excellent job!
  12. AMD RX7900XT, running triples, working fine. https://ibb.co/hffxG1S
  13. I mostly agree with you, at the beginning I never wanted to subscribe to navigraph, searching for free charts and so on, then tried it and totally changed my experience. When you pay money for PMDG, FENIX and other addons, flight yokes, and so on, it's not those 10 dollars a month making the hobby too expensive. I see it as if you are a "serious simmer" and want the most complete and realistic experience, go for navigraph, while asobo meanwhile started to open the doors to those "less advanced" (not the right term, I know) users who wanted something more, without having to pay for the top notch product. Then who knows, I still think it's early, maybe in next monthes we will see beter integration of asobo provided charts too. Flight planner is already quite nice.
  14. Update: finally got my hands on it! Just had a first brief flight starting from the runway, circuit, landing. Still have to set graphics and so on, but I really felt like I was there! Turning my head to check where is the runway, seeing runway becoming closer and bigger on approach, understanding distances, everything felt "slower", like in a real one. Smoothest landing ever. I felt absolutely fine. Then I touched the brakes at hold short line exiting the runway... That very moment, something in my brain triggered bad... Better i go breath some fresh air outside. 🤣 P.S. Most difficult part, it looks like to be "muscle memory", my hands were going to search for throttles and switches I've seen in VR, not the real phisical ones i have in front of me in reality, or the mouse. During the flight it's been the only moments i felt something strange, i see a thing, but it's not there.
  15. I totally agree. Putting so much passion and effort in something given to us for free, thank you Mr ResetXPDR! I also try to keep clouds on high (medium or low in many occasions looks bad), and the app still works very good. Expecially on the ground or approach at bigger airports, the lower tlod gives better stable framerates.
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