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About kt069

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  1. Hi All; A new small app that may be useful for some of us. Details are on the page and thanks to the author for this. https://flightsim.to/file/74211/fsautosave Happy Flying...
  2. Same here with my old 2080 Super. Happy simmer 🙂
  3. I deleted the app and reinstalled with the option to start with MSFS and now it is working properly.
  4. Dear Collegues, I would be pleased if one can advice about what I am doing wrong. Thanks. Everything seems to be ok when this app is working. It is resetting both LODs to 100 at AGL 0, but not changing them at higher altitudes, even the frame adaption is on or off .(I am using Profile 2) The only value for me is 100. What is missing ? Thank you .
  5. If you did everything right, sim needs to be opened few times in order to organize the files and settings. In my experience, after few start of the sim and maybe the PC , frame rates and others things settles to ok. Just my experience...
  6. Thanks again but I tried different airports. For example KLAX or etc. but it is same . I am thinking of any addon that may cause it but the problem was not happening before today (with the same addons) that I updated to this latest version.
  7. Thanks for the info but I tried few times before and also after your feedback and sim insists on giving me the assigned runway. It is strange?
  8. There seems to be a new bug or something like that. Please inform me if I do something wrong or missing. Although I select another runway than the given by MSFS on the related airport, sim insists on starting the flight with the given default runway. Is there anyone having the same issue ? Thanks.
  9. We need to wait and see. Because some of these features were mentioned or promised for MSFS2020 but did not happen yet or will not happen ever. We will see what is advertised and what will be the reality, also for MSFS2024. Maybe some features will be on MSFS2028 🙂
  10. As per title. Release notes are in the link... https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/sim-update-14-beta-release-notes-xbox-1-35-17-0-pc-1-35-18-0-november-17-2023/617018
  11. Hi; AIFP is a good tool and I did use it. At the moment I forgot the details but it was easy. Link : https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/forums/ai-flight-planner.100/
  12. We need to wait and see. Because some of these features were mentioned or promised for MSFS2020 but did not happen yet or will not happen ever. We will see what is advertised and what will be the reality, also for MSFS2024. Maybe some features will be on MSFS2028 🙂
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