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About SteveW

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  1. One typical way to get CTDs with the PMDG is due to the PMDG writing to a user file stored in the C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5\ folder which is ordinarily read only. We can make it read/write by setting the "Modify" permission on the "C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\" folder for the "Users" group which then allows the PMDG to write to its files stored in that folder tree with authenticated permission. To set that up; right click on the C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\ folder, choose "Properties" from the popup menu, choose the "Security" tab, press "Edit", in the top window select the "Users" group, and in the window below check the "Modify" box in the "Allow" column, then OK, OK. From here any version of P3D installed will acquire Modify access for the Users group which contains "You" the Authenticated user. That's the proper way to administer Windows folders. Another way is to start the simulator with "Run As Admin" but then other add-ons will have to be set to Run As Admin as well. Another way is to install P3D into a user created folder such as "C:\FS\" and so by doing this you the user will automatically get write access to anything installed into that folder. However, you would also need to add the Modify permission for the Users group on that folder if you need to add a new Windows user to that PC to get permission to the simulator.
  2. Uncheck "Master weather enable" on the weather page.
  3. Ideal Flight S - native P3D v6 install - installs outside the sim (Flight 1).
  4. P3D folder is read-only so we only need to make it read/write: Right click on the folder "C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin" and choose Properties Choose Security tab and click Edit Choose the Users group item in the top window and check the Modify Allow box Click on OK, OK and it's done The reason we add modify to the users group is because that group contains the authenticated user (you) and allows you to read/write any files in that folder without allowing malware to write to it. Checking one box in folder Properties is hardly any effort to worry about.
  5. Just finished my Christmas dinner. I hope everyone has a great day!
  6. If the AM settings you make do not comply with your CPU specifications then P3D will change them to defaults when it next starts up.
  7. Depending on the monitor, G-Sync may only work when above a certain frequency. For example, if the monitor G-Sync works from 30Hz upwards then you would limit at say 40fps and the G-Sync can follow the drops in fps down to 30.
  8. Setting Unlocked on the fps slider in P3D and limiting externally limits the work done, using the fps slider to set the frame rate does not limit frame generation as it continues building look ahead frames but produces more consistent time between frames. Limiting externally is not so consistent between frames but at least serves to maintain reasonably consistent frame to frame times and leaves the system doing less work. So limit at what the system can reliably achieve and you can use Variable Refresh Rate if the monitor supports it. Search for VRR on the Prepar3D site.
  9. It would still make sense to limit the fps. For example if your monitor can do 120Hz and the sim fps is unlimited then when the sim makes more than 120fps those are discarded frames and the work done (= heat) is wasted (unwanted). Even with G-Sync monitor types it is best to have a consistent frame rate. So you would expect your G-Sync setup to be capable of running at your fps limit and can follow sync if/when the fps drops below the limit.
  10. Recapping - Here's three basic steps to go through setting up P3D for best performance: 1/ If you have HT enabled on your CPU set up the Prepar3D.cfg jobscheduler section as per the instructions in this thread. That is to basically ensure the three threadschedulers each reside on a logical processor (LP) on a core to themselves with the other LP on that core unallocated. Once that is done leave that alone because there's nothing else to do there. 2/ Choose the fps limit desired. What works best is a whole number division of the display refresh frequency. So for example on a 60Hz refresh display aim for 20fps (60/3), 30fps (60/2), 40fps (120/3). Do this usually by setting P3D options to Unlocked fps and VSync=On and in Nvidia Control Panel (NCP) and limit the fps in the Prepar3D.exe profile. Set the highest refresh frequency if the display is configurable and go from that. 3/ In P3D start by setting graphics settings low enough to observe the MainThreadScheduler in Task Manager showing less than 100% activity. Now gradually increase the most desired graphics settings keeping that MainThreadScheduler LP or core below 100%. Allow some headroom to avoid spurious demands reaching greater than 100%. If that reaches 100% the fps will drop. If heat is an issue it is best to lower the fps limit / lower the graphics settings, in some cases reducing the number of cores allocated can also reduce heat slightly.
  11. Yes. Basically all you can do with the affinity mask is reduce the cores used by P3D, and with v5 and v6 you can define on which cores the three main thread schedulers reside.
  12. Same for v5 and v6, set your fps options for vsync as jcomm suggests. Not sure what your crashes are related to, ensure you have the latest drivers, eliminate add-ons and retest.
  13. Looks good! Excellent! You should be able to increase graphics settings keeping LP06 below 100%.
  14. In v5.4 I get 30fps at half refresh on the 60Hz monitor setting in the sim Unlimited fps with VSync on or off. In v6 I must check vsync on. After setting up the fps limit I run Task Manager and watch the logical processor activity graphs. If MainThreadScheduler is hitting 100% I reduce graphics settings slightly until I don't hit 100% all the time.
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