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  1. Hi, is there any way to install the gsx profiles i had for my 3rd party airports to msfs 2024?
  2. Hi, with the new fenix B2 update and the hidden click spot for rudder lockout, I was having some trouble getting the tiller to work separately from the rudder.(I had a tiller axis set on the same input as the rudder axis 🙂 ). But now my question is: do I need to keep a tiller axis as well as the rudder one, or can I keep the default setting and only use the rudder axis? I mean can I also move the tiller without an axis for it?
  3. Hi, I recently bought the Thrustmaster TRFP rudder pedals and the work great! However, when I takeoff in the fenix it always veers to the right without any steering inputs. That also happens on landing. Any idea how to fix this?
  4. I don't know what is wrong with my plane but I still does the same thing today:)
  5. Yeah, for me, gsx work perfectly fine with any other aircraft at any airport, but the Inibuilds a320 gsx boarding never works anywhere
  6. Yeah, it does say simbrief ok and when I click it it also tells me my planned pax
  7. Well it goes like this : 1. I request boarding and the stairs attache to the aircraft 2. The passenger bus arrives/ or not if I have a jetway, then 1 passenger boards the airplane. 3. The stair/ jetway stay connected until the baggage loading is completed then the ,,boarding completed'' message appears.
  8. So I'm flying the beta version of the a320V2 and when I start the gsx boarding, it just boards one passenger and then stops the boarding.(even when simbrief is loaded) Anyone know a fix?
  9. Hi, I got the beta version of the inibuilds a320 V2 but I noticed that when I want to pushback with gsx it just doesn't work. It keeps saying release parking brakes, but when I release them, nothing. Also the passengers don't show during boarding. Ps: I downloaded a gsx profile from flightsim.to but I don't know if this may be the cause
  10. So I just switched to beta version for sim update 15 this morning and the first time I loaded the sim a noticed that the reverse thrust didn't work on any plane. And also not showing in my game controller app. I calibrated my TCA quadrant several times(and reinstalled the drivers)and it eventually worked. But while it works fine with every aircraft, in the a320 V2 it just doesn't work. It calibrated the throttle in the EFB but the reverse just doesn't activate. Anyone facing the same problem or know a fix to this?
  11. Question, is there any age restriction for the start alliance VA?
  12. Thanks, but there is any VA that allows pilots under 16:)? I don't think so. I'm asking cuz I'm 13
  13. Hi, I want to join a virtual airline and was wondering what are some of the most popular VA that fly in Europe? I have about 200 flight hours on msfs. Also, I'm new to this so I'm curious if after I join a VA can I still fly with the real life airlines liveries, or does the VA give me a special livery for them?:)
  14. Hi, thinking of adding a new plane to my msfs fleet and even tho I'm kinda decided on the a300 I'm thinking if I should actually buy the FSS e190. So first of all when is it going to be fully released? And second, is it worth it? Does it have fully functional LNAV VNAV and autopilot? Is it realistic? I don't know, but in real life I really like the Embraer 190/195 and that's why I would like to fly it in msfs. So what are your opinions?
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