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Two questions here

1 - i have switched off first officer screens but have not seen any fps or smoothness improvement.

Also other 'performance' options seems to give zero boost.

2 - i have limited fps by NVI, but i see quite big fps fluctuation with 747 - up to 8 frames with fps locked at 30.

As i remember PMDG planes from FSX, those were quite consistent regarding fps, or am i wrong here ? 


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I think you must check your settings, i have a i7 3.6GHz 4790 (non-overcloacked) and a gtx970 on win7 with 8gb of ram and i can run it very smootly.Also i have tweak on nvidia inspector, dx10 scenery fixer and few things on the fsx.cfg.



Another thing, if you use ASN you should reduce your distance cloud settings.

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I'm P3D user.

My system is very well balanced and 747 runs pretty well even on my old rig.


Those 2 questions are just something that i am wondering about.

No serious issues to report.


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