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Default cessna won't spin

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6 hours ago, Murmur said:

Since X-Plane uses correct equation of motions, allows customization of moments of inertia, and allows customization of aerodynamic coefficients for the airfoils in the 0-180 range, there shouldn't be anything that prevents the implementation of realistic spin dynamics. 

I also think some parameters can be tuned to produce a more plausible spin. I've seen people posting tweaks of the default Cessna regarding stalls/spins. It's for older version of x-plane though.

5 hours ago, KenG said:

I have also discovered that accelerated stalls and wing unloading are non-existant in FSX/P3D. You can do both all day long in Xplane. 

I also noticed that too. In FSX fighter jets are quite a bit easier to fly because pulling the yoke hard rarely induces stalls.

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46 minutes ago, Jetstream96 said:

In FSX fighter jets are quite a bit easier to fly because pulling the yoke hard rarely induces stalls.

Interesting - I've not done a lot of chucking anything around in FSX, but back in the day I did a quite a lot of fighter jet flying in FS98/FS2000 and I can distinctly remember having to be quite gentle with the backpressure in high-rate turns to avoid an accelerated stall. Whether that was more to do with the flight model or the sim itself though I'm not sure.

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4 hours ago, turner112 said:

Hey, mine spins great, just after starting a flight and sitting on the runway with no throttle or control inputs!

Those tires squeals as I careen off into the grass... music to my ears.

lol. You were hit by a tornado or an angry bear?

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11 hours ago, skelsey said:

Interesting - I've not done a lot of chucking anything around in FSX, but back in the day I did a quite a lot of fighter jet flying in FS98/FS2000 and I can distinctly remember having to be quite gentle with the backpressure in high-rate turns to avoid an accelerated stall. Whether that was more to do with the flight model or the sim itself though I'm not sure.

If that's the case it might just be my control sensitivity settings being too high in x-plane.

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