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Preset Views

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It has been 6 months since I purchased CP (Chase plane) and till now I'm facing an issue with the preset views in it... In every aircraft, in any preset view, if the aircraft is turning right, the preset view of the FMC "moves away" from its original position as it was in the ground until the time of takeoff... If the aircraft is turning left, all the views move away from the original position... This in a way is very annoying as I have to switch from FSX's fullscreen and open CP to reset the view back every time this happens...

Any response ASAP would be greatly appreciated...



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This is a known issue in FSX that has been resolved in early versions of P3D.

ChasePlane does not provide a fix for that issue at this time.

Keven Menard 
Technical Director, //42

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Oh ok... Thank you for the immediate response...

And also, any ideas whether this would be fixed in the near future ??.. If yes, when would it be...



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We do not plan of providing a fix at this time as most people are upgrading to the latest version of the platform, fixing the issue as a result.

Keven Menard 
Technical Director, //42

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