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How to create an approach for EVERY runway (G1000 NXi)

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 Here is a tutorial that shows you how to create an approach on the fly for absolutely EVERY runway there is in MSFS which you can then fly using the AP on VNAV. You can even use the APPR mode to fly the final approach as if it is a published ILS or RNAV approach! It works on even the tiniest little grass strip!

Here I programmed a very basic A to B flightplan into the G1000 NXi.


Click on PROC and select Select Approach (acknowledge with ENT).


Choose VISUAL and the runway of your choice. VISUAL is also available when there actually are other approaches. On small airports without any published approaches VISUAL will be the only option.


After that you get the option to select either VECTORS or STRAIGHT.  Since you probably won't get vectors from anyone AND because you probably want to keep on flying using NAV-mode select STRAIGHT here.


Next scroll down to LOAD or ACTIVATE. If you select ACTIVATE you will instantly be directed to the STRGHT waypoint which you might now want yet so LOAD probably is the best option for now, specially if you still have to fly a bunch of other waypoints before the approach part.


You will get a message about the approach not giving you obstacle clearance. Choose OK.


That's it! Now you have an approach with full VNAV support! Note how the VNAV profile information is added. You can see how long it takes until you reached the TOD and that TOD will also appear on the ND.


In order to fly this approach on AP:

1. Activate the approach if you opted to only load it before. Take note that you will be directed to the STRGHT waypoint immediately (just as if you created a Directo to towards it)!

2. Set the altitude of the FAF in the AP. In the above screenshot that would be 2676ft.

2. Press VNAV on the AP before you reach the TOD. You will see VPTH appear on the PFD to show you VNAV is being armed. (Arming VNAV won't work if you didn't set a lower altitude than the current one in step 2!)

4. At the TOD VPTH will become the active mode.

5. Before you reach the FAF you can arm APPR on the AP if you want to. (If you don't, make sure to descent further on your own!) You will see GP appear of the PFD to show you it's being armed.

6. Watch how your plane flies itself to the threshold! Disable the AP whenever you want or need to. 😉

Again, mind the obstacles! You can change the lateral mode from NAV to HDG and still have VNAV active: that way you can avoid mountains and things like that. If you (have to) stray of the path too much you may have to disable the AP and take over: you can always enable the AP again (including VNAV and/or APPR) whenever you avoided the obstacle and are on the right path again.

To prove that it's working: here I am approaching a very little grass strip in PNG with the Kodiak 100 still on AP: note the active GP and the indications on the altitude tape! 🙂


Oh, and btw, this isn't cheating or anything, even though it may feel a bit like that! 😉 This is a real world option of the G1000 NXi!

All credits to the Working Title team who gave us (and are still ginving us 😉 ) this awesome simulation of this device!

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