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Little navmap and new Majestic Dash

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Hi to all,

i use for long time great Little navmap for exporting routes in Dash FMC and working great, but, before few days i update Dash to Cockpit version 1.025A and there is problem.

Flightplan is here in FMC but when i select plan and execute FMC show only hieroglyphs and no links








There is rar file with 2 plans, one with beginning name LNM ( exported with Little navmap) and second with beginning name DASH ( exported with Majestic dash FMC)


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Not have edit... of course when i try to import FP which is exported with Dash FP, load normally .

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Seems their flight plan format has changed. They use a very unusual format, to say the least, instead of readable (and partly self-documenting) text like everybody else.

I have no idea when and if I can update this.


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Thanks for reply Alex,

if you in future found time and solutions, please let me know here, kind regards.


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Just now, Doksas said:

if you in future found time and solutions, please let me know here, kind regards.

Will certainly do. Either here or in the changelog of one of the next versions.

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Posted (edited)

Sorry for revisiting an old thread.  I have only just discovered Little Navmap.  Wow, I have been missing out.  This is a fantastic program!  As someone who works in the IT industry, I know how much work has gone in to this. Thanks Alex!

I am also experiencing this hieroglyphs/corruption issue with my Majestic Dash 8 (Training Edition) v1.025a in P3D v4.5 with HF3. I am using Little Navmap 2.8.12.

Intriguingly, the first time I used Little Navmap with my Dash 8, flight plans made with Little Navmap, using the supplied Navigraph Airac cycle 1801 which comes installed by default with Little Navmap, did load in to the Dash 8 perfrectly.  A few days later, it made sense to update Little Navmap and my sim with the latest Navigraph Airac cycle ... that being 2401 at the time ... to get everything synchronized nicely ... and from that point, flight plans made with Little Navmap have had the hieroglyphs/corruption issue with the Dash 8.  A week or so later, I updated the Navigraph Airac cycle again to 2402, but the same result persists ... flight plans made using Little Navmap continue to show this hieroglyphs/corruption issue when loaded in to the Dash 8.

A quick experiment shows that if I create a direct flght plan with only a departure and arrival airport (ie, no navaid or waypoint routings in the plan), then the flight plan appears to load correctly in to the Dash 8 (but, just because I see no hieroglyphs/corruption in such a short flight plan, with no navaids or waypoints in the routing, I can't really be sure). That said, as soon as you add any navaid or waypoint routing in to that flight plan, the hieroglyphs/corruption issue occurs when you load the flight plan in to the Dash 8.

Based on these obvservations, I assume this issue could have something to do with the Navigraph Airac data and how the navaids and waypoints are exported by Little Navmap in to the associated Dash 8 compatible .fpr file?

At the moment, I am happy to use Little Navmap to create the flight plans, and then manually enter them in to the Dash 8.  But, I look forward hopefully to any updates on this issue, or fixes which may come with one of the next versions.

Edited by freddy_



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I'm sorry, but I cannot update the Majestic Dash export. IMO the format is broken by design and it would need a lot of effort (i.e. read the Majestic's own navdatabase to get internal ids) to get this fixed. Not sure if this has changed with MSFS but I doubt it.

All other aircraft add-ons and simulators use more or less simple sometimes even self explaining text formats which only use waypoint ids and coordinates. Not so the Dash.🤷‍♂️


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Posted (edited)

@albar965 OK. It's disappointing, but it is also understandable and fair enough. 👍 Once again, thanks for a fantastic program. Keep up the excellent work!

Edited by freddy_



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On 3/3/2024 at 12:58 AM, freddy_ said:

@albar965 OK. It's disappointing, but it is also understandable and fair enough. 👍 Once again, thanks for a fantastic program. Keep up the excellent work!

Simbrief have 2 options for export FP for Majestic Dash, 1.024 and 1.025.

Use 1.025 options and then import in Dash, work perfect

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