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    AVSIM Brings Live Streaming System Online

    Tom Allensworth

    We recently announced that we were bringing a live streaming video aggregation system online. We are pleased to say that it is now up and running. Currently, the system only accepts videos from Twitch.tv, but API's are being added to accept videos from Justin.tv and others in the near future. In its current state, it is pretty straight forward system and easy to use by both viewers and video stream owners. The benefit of the AVSIM Video System is that it provides a focused source for all video streams having to do with flight simulation and the many related subjects within the hobby. We currently have one live stream FS topic running and some demo videos to view.


    If you are a live streaming owner and a flight simulation enthusiast, we encourage you to place your stream into the AVSIM System. If you are a virtual airline, an IVAO or VATSIM organization and would like to showcase news and events, this is a great way to do so to the many members of the AVSIM Community. Would like to broadcast training video, "how to", specialty broadcasts like the different types of navigation and techniques, flying techniques, etc., we encourage you to explore the live streaming video format and the AVSIM live streaming system.


    You can access the Live Video System from the menu item above, or by clicking here.


    The Streaming Video System also has a forum associated with it where every video is supported by it's own forum topic for users to discuss the stream and its content. You can access that forum here.

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