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Posts posted by Brian_Gladden

  1. Just picked up the 50 Yesterday and I immediately loved it. Still learning systems a bit but one thing I noticed is that My Com 2 and Nav 2 radios have no digits. (Nav 1 and Com 2 as well but the functionality is covered by the Stock GNS) ADF lights up as normal but not the rest of the radios. I'm running the bird in P3d V3. Any ideas?

  2. I had purchased the S330 a while ago but hadn't installed it. I just got my new system up and running and installed the 330. It shows and I ran the model tool to set up the radio/gp[s compatibility. I shows in the select vehicle list but no airplane in the preview. Any ideas?

  3. Here's my situation. It seems my FSX looses it's ATC.


    For example.


    I create an IFR plan, get my clearance, taxi out and take off. Sometime in the flight, either before ATC has vectored me on course or slightly afterwards, when I get a radio call to increase altitude or whatever ATC wants me to do. When I pop up the ATC screen, the numbers at the bottom have gone away. The ones you use to acknowledge the ATC request. ATC then keeps calling on me to reply, then cancels IFR . At that point the numbers come back and I can reopen the flight plan and it seems to work.


    Any Ideas?

  4. Has anyone ever been able to get the autopilot to track a heading?


    The altitude hold on mine captures and tracks fine but I think I have a faulty roll servos on my birds. I select a heading and hit heading hold and it will turn in the right direction then keep turning... and turning... and turning. Until it rolls near vertical and then either stalls or tries to go the other way since it overshot the heading bug.


    Love the plane other than that... but it's damn near unflyable in an IFR situation without at least the heading hold.


    I even tried pasting in the autopilot section from the default lear and it didn't help


    Any Ideas?

  5. Hi,Please send us this type of information to: library[at]avsim[dot]comSometimes we may miss it in the forums, while at our e-mail one of us is sure to deal with it.Thank you for letting us know about this. You're not being a PITA, we take these issues very seriously and you're perfectly right to defend your work.I have deleted the file: air_tractor_pr-fog.zipand contacted the author.I'm already keeping an eye on the files from Diogo Luiz Ceccon, if he re-offends he will be banned.
    Thanks! I also happened to spot another upload from this person that looks suspiciously like Dee Waldron's AI IAI Westwind as well. Set up as a flyable aircraft.

  6. Hey guys... I just noticed that a file in the "New Files" of the library today (air_tractor_pr-fog.zip posted by Diogo Luiz Ceccon) is my original Air tractor 801 (at-802a_duster.zip)The Read_Me with my original release specifically states, "This aircraft is released as Freeware. As freeware you are permitted to distribute this archive subject to the following conditions:- The archive must be distributed without modification to thecontents of the archive. Redistributing this archive with any filesadded, removed or modified is prohibited, except for repaints. If a repaint is uploaded it must be textures only. The model and panel files are not to be uploaded."I hate to be a PITA but the uploader even deleted my original Read_Me file and put in his own. Please have this file (air_tractor_pr-fog.zip) removed.Thank you,Brian Gladden

  7. I do wish that there had been a Cargo/Gravel kit or Combi/Gravel kit model. In this day and age, most of the 200's working the north are so equipped. I suppose I could repaint the Passenger GK bird with the cargo textures but I wouldn't have the opening cargo door.

  8. Don't forget Jimmy Buffet has several airplanes. He regularly flies his Falcon 50 on tour pluss he has a Caravan on Amphibs as his "goin fishin" airplane and also has a Stearman he flies quite a bit. Do a search on youtube for Jimmy Buffet and you'll sea video he did that features his Stearman.Brian

  9. Every taxiway line at the airport where I work is yellow and black. yellow by itself contrasts well on new asphalt but within a year or so the asphalt turns gray so the yellow isn't as visible. and on concrete it's even less visible.... Sooo they paint black lines on the outside of the yellow to make it more visible.Brian

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