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Posts posted by arno

  1. Good question, I would say anybody interested in making some kind of addon. Whether it is an entire airport, an aircraft or just put your own house in the sim.


    But this indeed leads to the question what level of knowledge do you expect from people participating. Should the presentations be aimed at novice users or more at experts? I guess we might need to have a mix of both.

  2. Over at the FSDeveloper forum there is a discussion going if we should try to organize an online conference for FS addon developers. I put a little more information in a blog post, it also includes a link to a survey where you can indicate if you like the idea and what you would like to see covered by such a conference. So let us know if you think this is interesting.



  3. Over at the FSDeveloper forum there is a discussion going if we should try to organize an online conference for FS addon developers. I put a little more information in a blog post, it also includes a link to a survey where you can indicate if you like the idea and what you would like to see covered by such a conference. So let us know if you think this is interesting.



  4. Just south of Luxembourg city I also saw a line of default scenery through the photo scenery.


    The reason why I didn't got the whole of Belgium covered with autogen, is that the data I could fetch from shapefiles did not cover all of the forests.


    A nice add-on for your tutorial would be a list with sample picture of the guid that are usable :)

    The guid I used now was one I found from an other config file ;)


    Ah, I haven't check how well the OpenStreetMap data is for Belgium. For Luxembourg it seemed quite good coverage. Let me check the Belgian data as well.


    Finding those GUIDs in the XML files of the SDK can indeed be hard. Might be a good idea to have a list of possible values (or even better with a picture showing what you will get). Let me see what can be done for that.

    • Upvote 1

  5. Hi,


    Questions about the autogen. I am writing a more detailed tutorial for my scenProc tool now and I used this scenery and the area around Luxembourgh as example. Then I saw in this thread that some work on autogen has already been done.


    Did you guys in the end succeed to cover the whole of the scenery with forests? Else I can probably help a bit.

  6. Indeed, the animations are lost on export to gmax and have to be added again.


    I have never played with the FSX jetway, but I would be surprised if Arno's Model Converter tool is able to extract the needed skinned animation/bones data needed for gmax/3ds. There is a youtube video by Adrian Woods that shows how to make a jetway in gmax, but it is tricky.


    scott s.



    Send from my phone using Tapatalk, so excuse the short sentences and possible typos

  7. Hi Randy, To include all the libraries is not really a good advice. If users end up installing the same library mulitple times in their FS that can give a number of problems. First it can take a lot of harddisk space, secondly it will result in multiple objects with the same GUID. This can lead to issues, since you don't know from which library the object is actually taken. If the developer decides to update the library later it will also be a nightmare to do so. So the common practise for scenery developers is to point the users where to get the libraries, but don't include them in the distribution.

  8. Hi,I prefer to use the same size in GMax and FS. So I already make sure they are a power of two. You could also resize later, but I think that can quickly become confusing.For the formats I prefer to use Photoshop PSD files in GMax. This format has the advantage that it can store layers, which is easy when editing your texture. Using the ImageTool of the SDK I then convert them to DXT BMP (for FS2004) or DDS (for FSX).

  9. Hi,DXT1 can only save a one bit alpha channel. Which means either on or off. So it is useful for trees for example. DXT3 can save different levels of transparency. So in general it is better for windows and other features that are not just on or off. However as you noticed, the scenery engine can have trouble with the drawing order for DXT3. That's probably why you don't see your inside. It might work to give you inside a different texture with a name that is alphabetically before the outside texture. P.S.: for FSX DXT5 is preferred instead of DXT3 for windows, etc.

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